What difference does a greater number of photos make to a HDR image?

May 26th, 2011
I understand the concept of HDR (ish) but can't work out for myself what difference a greater number of individual photos makes to the end result.

Does it improve it by providing more information?
Or does more information make the end result less clear?

My only two attempts are composed of 5 images -2,-1,0,+1,+2. I took 5 as I originally thought "the more, the better"...but now I'm doubting that theory.

Also, if 3 images are generally thought to yield a better result than 5, can anyone explain whether -2,0,+2 or -1,0,+1 are preferable (or both can be used to gain slightly different results?)

Both these are composed of 5 images - http://365project.org/lluniau/mwy-more/2011-05-22 and http://365project.org/lluniau/365/2011-05-21 Would they have been better with only 3?

May 26th, 2011
i go with 3 some go with much more
1 underexposure
1 overexposure
and one with the right exposure and then in CS5 thast where the work begins Elin try it i think you will like alot

if you go under by 2 exposure and you taking pictures of clouds the clouds will be nice and dark , similar to a thunderstorm this is good for sunsets. you will get the glare of the ocean try and equal them out with the exposure.
May 27th, 2011
The other day someone posted the following link for a great HDR tutorial. I have read it and am truly impressed with this guy. He prefers to shoot 3 images at -2, 0. +2. I highly recommend you check out his tutorial. His work is amazing, too!
May 29th, 2011
@dejongdd Ideal - thanks. Have bookmarked it!
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