Resizing and print photos as cards -- HELP!?

June 6th, 2011
Hi all,

Please help if you can, I'm having a nightmare trying to get one of my photo's resized correctly to 7inches by 5inches to print as a greeting card.

I'm using PhotoShop Elements 9.

Im also using snapfish / photobox / picnik trying to get this image to fit but its either too tall or too fat. I've tried landscape and portrait styles.
Here's how I'm trying to do it;
1. Image - resize - imagesize
2. Image size POP up box appears
3. Document size; change into inches
4. Input 5 by 7
BUT when I specify 5 inches wide it automatically changes the height to 4.585 which is too short.

Can anyone help me resize my photo, its for my final college project due in soon. ;-(

I would be most grateful for your help. ;-)
June 6th, 2011
I would go to Staples and look at all the Avery brand cards and stuff that they have. They probably have something like the project you're working on, and those products usually print the image to fit the product.

You could also try putting in "5.something" until it hits 5 even for you. :-)
June 6th, 2011
@5unflow3r Thank you for your advice Tina... I will try that as a last resort i think. I eally need to understand what Ive done wrong on Photoshop, so that I don't make mistakes again. (I hve to print a few of these cards, different designs)

BTW, when I tried to amend the height to 7 inches my width autoatically increased to 7.633.. URGGHHHHH!! when I amend one number it automtically changes the other so it seems my shot for some reason is stuck in a particular scale.
June 6th, 2011
I'm not familiar with Photoshop (I just use what ever is with Windows), but perhaps you could use the crop function and a set size of 5 x7 rather than custom crop. The document size is probably figuring a margin that can't be printed.
June 6th, 2011
Is there an option that says constrain proportions? If so, uncheck it. This is the option the tries to resize by keeping the box the same proportions . If you uncheck it, you can change width w/o affecting height and vice vs.
June 6th, 2011
@5unflow3r yes there is that option at the bottom, but for this particular shot its greyed out, so I can't uncheck it. I've got a feeling because I've already cropped the shot really tightly previously using custom crop rather than a set size of 5 x 7 no matter what I do now I can't change its scale/proportions.

I think I may need to start again and create the whole thing again... ive used layers, txt etc. ;-(

I'm gonna upload it onto here just so u can see what your trying to help me with... THANK YOU Tina. xx
June 6th, 2011
@weshook Yes I think you are right... Ive really tightly cropped my creation previously but didnt specify the 5 x 7 option at the time and I think that may well be the reason... Im gonna upload the shot now so we can all see what i mean. ;-)
June 6th, 2011
maybe try setting the document size to 5.415. which would allow for the margin that it is taking off. It may change the 7 inch diimension to an unacceptable length though.
June 6th, 2011
have you tried doing save as and making another file so you can try cropping in the new image? and do you want the image to stretch to be 5x7 or just have the one dimension 5 and the other dimension to be in the same proportions as the original image? I think that we need someone more knowledgeable than me. :o\
June 6th, 2011
I suggest opening a new, blank canvas in Elements and duplicating your original (not square) image to it. Then you can use the "Move" tool to resize it. Then you can finish your edits & save.
June 6th, 2011
@weshook I think I definately cropped and saved it wrong originally. I'm starting again with the origianal JGEG... untouched, uncropped in the hope that if i save it immediately in the 5 x 7 dimentions I will be ok. Rather than trying to resize at the end which meant trimming off the tops of the flowers and losing the last letter of the text... urgh!
Thank you for all your help and advise, I have certainly learnt from my mistakes and its taking me a whole day to rectify. xx
June 6th, 2011
@thismoment Ahhhhhhh ok. I will try this before I start from scratch again, thank you !!
June 6th, 2011
@jennlouise Glad to help!
June 6th, 2011
@thismoment What do I select as the width n height though? its just keeping the same proportions but making it smaller and larger whehn I use 'move' option.
June 6th, 2011
@jennlouise I should have been clearer I think...To open a new canvas go to File>New>Blank File select Photo>5x7. Then paste in your original and downsize it.

If you are still having problems (a gap at the top or side) it may be that your camera is one that takes odd-size photos that won't resize to "normal" dimensions without loosing some of the image. If that's the case, and you don't have the room to clip your image without loosing important details, I'm afraid you may have to set up your shot again and leave a bit more room in your comp.
June 6th, 2011
@thismoment Thank you, Ive managed to create a landscape shot... the portrait mode was too stretched. *phew, happy face* ;-)
June 6th, 2011
@jennlouise Awesome! I'm glad that worked out for you :)
June 6th, 2011
@jennlouise get greeting cards explotion delux or something you can do everything stationary wise with photos i used it to make and sell my cards
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