travel photos making me crazy!

July 3rd, 2011
I am sitting here trying to upload two weeks worth of holiday photos and it's driving me crazy! How do I choose just one for a day when I did so much and have literally hundreds of photos. I have given up on day two, I visited a temple (so pics of monkeys, giant statue, amazing cliffs, shrines, people), and a butterfly park (gorgeous butterflies, interesting plants, more people), and a bird park (birds obviously, water, fish etc), plus more photos from in between and afterwards.. aarggh I don't know which one photo to upload. And that was just one day, I have thirteen more days to do!
July 3rd, 2011
throw a dart at the screen and whatever it lands on up load.!!!
July 3rd, 2011
@nikkers that could be fun, think I might have to haha
July 3rd, 2011
@mamaisaac . :)
July 3rd, 2011
@mamaisaac put them in a hat and pick one
July 3rd, 2011
This could take a while with hundreds of photos but my personal favorite method is Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.
July 3rd, 2011
Pick a few then ask someone else to choose!
July 3rd, 2011
Upgrade to an ace membership so you can fill up multiple albums :)
July 3rd, 2011
make a collage
July 3rd, 2011
Just had the same, (see my may2011 album) Not easy at all! I Tried to choose some pictures that where different from the rest, but you're right it's just so much work. But i loved spending time searching all the nice pictures. So I would say: Have fun! One of my temple pictures:
July 3rd, 2011
You could get an ace account and back date some.
You could make a list of what the photo should have (culture, people, building, etc.)
You could focus on the most memorable thing that happened that day.
or, look at the day and find the one photo that best expresses the location or feeling you had that day.
BTW, I am awful at getting down to a manageable number.
July 3rd, 2011
My vacation pictures are mostly collages as you can show a lot more pictures that way. unfortunately the induvidual picture looks better on a larger screen. maybe keep some for fillers. I just uploaded1 from a vacation trip and for more information on it I googled it .
July 3rd, 2011
@mamaisaac just post one every day for the rest of the year
July 15th, 2011
@bkbinthecity @meggageg @kjarn @triciaanddazzle @sparkle @maaikel @brumbe @bruni @shenay

Thanks for the suggestions everyone :D I still haven't uploaded them.. I really got scared away by the challenge, but I'm going to give it another go. Apologies in advance to anyone following me, with any luck I'll be uploading a heap of photos tonight!
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