Word of the Week Challenge

January 22nd, 2012
Hey everyone! I'm trying this out for the first time and perhaps there are already a lot like it. But hey, anything to make this more interesting right? So the basic point is that I will post a word with its definition and your goal is to take a photograph that best fits that word. Words are randomly generated from a dictionary. If you are interested in going to the next level and making this into a competition, please let me know when you post your photo. Good luck and can't wait to see what you all come up with!

Your word is:

Remora: An obstacle, hinderance, or obstruction
*Also the name of a fish for those of you into underwater photography
January 22nd, 2012
A supposedly simple day of kite flying has been full of hindrances today! (The caption explains more)
January 22nd, 2012
Well i took this the otehr day but i believe it fits very well.. The ice or any kind of inclimate weather in Seattle alwasy seems to be a hinderance.

January 22nd, 2012
Post a shot from a couple days ago. Mother Nature can sure create a ramora! That's snow lowering the visibility...not fog!

January 22nd, 2012

This fly photobombing my lavendar pic from yesterday turned into a beautiful remora! I think he made my photo of the day quite special
January 22nd, 2012
My son photo bombed me causing an obstruction
January 22nd, 2012
My Husband spent nearly an hour clearing the drive way only to have a snow plow come and block us in again..

January 25th, 2012
I broke and dislocated my ankle in the fall... still not able to do a lot of things... such as walk in heels
January 25th, 2012
A biker's worst nightmare, enough said

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