Breaking the Rules Challenge: White Space

February 15th, 2012
Thank you to everyone that voted for me in the last Breaking the Rules challenge!

For the record, the following "rules" have been explored:
Rule of Thirds
On-Camera Flash
Lens Flare

This Breaking the Rules Challege will be about WHITE SPACE, also known as negative space. So what is white space? It’s the space around the subject of your photo. And what’s the rule? Well, honestly I don’t think there is one. Haha. I was thinking that this would be a wonderul opportunity to keep white space in mind while shooting. Let’s go overboard with it. I’m hoping to see some photos with TONS of white space, and some photos with very little or none. P.S. White Space doesn’t have to be white.

Here’s an article by one of my favorite photographers, Annie Manning. She explains it much better than I do, and shows some really good examples:

Rules: (Gotta have rules for a Breaking the Rules Challenge)
(1) Contest begins today and ends Feb 29th (our wonderful extra day this year)
(2) For consideration in this contest, entries must be taken and posted during the contest period and tagged with btr-whitespace
(3) If you prefer NOT to use this contest as inspiration for your daily project, you may POST the photo entry to any date on your calendar, as long as the EXIF shows the capture date to be within the contest dates.

You can share your images in this discussion thread by copying the code below "SHARE" on your project photo page and pasting it in the discussion box here.

Good luck to everyone! :D
February 15th, 2012
Erm.. Dunno if this is a rule breaker or not but it does have plenty of white space...!!

February 16th, 2012
This should be fun, and it's something I'd love to be better at. So I'm excited about the opportunity to give it a go :)
February 16th, 2012
@canberrabec This is right up your alley!!
February 16th, 2012
I am going to try this - it is my first of the "Breaking the Rules Challenge" so not sure if I can do this but we'll see.
February 16th, 2012
February 16th, 2012
great choice Jessica! BTW :LOVE annie manning!:))
February 16th, 2012
Maybe not exactly what you're looking for. Tried to kill two birds with one stone.
February 16th, 2012
February 16th, 2012
February 16th, 2012
I hope I've understood this correctly - shout out if I haven't please!
Have to admit I'm really partial to 'empty' space so I'm hoping to try some more. :)

February 16th, 2012
February 17th, 2012
and another double themer!

February 17th, 2012

February 17th, 2012
February 17th, 2012

February 17th, 2012
February 17th, 2012
This is one from a few days ago... the day before you posted this theme!!
February 17th, 2012
February 17th, 2012
white space doesn't have to be empty space.......
February 17th, 2012
February 18th, 2012

February 18th, 2012
February 18th, 2012
February 18th, 2012
February 19th, 2012
@kiwichick Hiya Lesley!! Thanks :) Might work on a contribution now :)
February 19th, 2012
February 19th, 2012
Hmmmm maybe this one...

February 19th, 2012
Oops I just saw it's out of the date range! I'll have to make a point to take one!! :)
February 19th, 2012
I think that if the rule of thirds is followed then the white space (if I understand it correctly) kind of becomes legitimate, if you know what I mean.

February 19th, 2012
February 20th, 2012
Shot before the contest, but it's really my only appropriate photo...

February 20th, 2012

February 20th, 2012
February 20th, 2012
My 2 entries: -

February 21st, 2012

February 21st, 2012
February 22nd, 2012
February 23rd, 2012
February 23rd, 2012

February 24th, 2012
February 24th, 2012
February 24th, 2012
February 24th, 2012
I've never really tried these challenges, but fancied a go of this one!

February 24th, 2012
I love white space ;):
February 25th, 2012
February 25th, 2012
The one I want to enter seems to not have the exif coming with it so here is the one I have
February 25th, 2012
February 25th, 2012

February 25th, 2012
February 25th, 2012

Black space. Get it? Get it???... *crickets chirping* Thank you, I'll be here all night.
February 25th, 2012
Not a whole lot of white space but I hope this works.

Another, at the dog park.

February 26th, 2012
@janmaki I was just looking through all these posts and saw yours right behind mine! When you do that, it just makes mine look awfully plain!! ;)
February 26th, 2012
February 26th, 2012
February 26th, 2012

February 26th, 2012
February 26th, 2012
February 27th, 2012

February 27th, 2012
February 27th, 2012
I'm on the fence if this fits the bill. I tend to like white space that is smooth/non-textured, but I keep coming back to this image with the green clearly important to the composition. Would love your ideas on this.

February 28th, 2012
February 28th, 2012
February 29th, 2012

March 1st, 2012
I am not sure if this completely qualifies, but it was the best I could do for this challenge!
March 1st, 2012
Just realized I have this one too!
March 1st, 2012
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