Artist Challenge - Stanley Kubrick - Winner!

June 7th, 2012
Hello again, 365!

Apologies for the late announcement. You see, I fell horribly sick, and then traveled around a bit, and then it was my birthday, and, well, you know, that's how it goes. I bet you didn't even notice I was gone. Nah, just kidding. But really, thanks to everyone for all of the birthday wishes! It was heartwarming.

But enough about me. We're here to get down to business.

It was a close race, and I really thought that @suebarni was gonna climb her way up the stairs of victory with her cross-dressing reinterpretation, but in the end @ladyjane silently stepped into the lead with her own serene photo, and took home the trophy for this round of the Artist Challenge.

A hearty and well-deserved congratulations to @ladyjane, and a thank you to everyone else who participated! :]
June 7th, 2012
Congrats @ladyjane =)
June 7th, 2012
Congratulations, Jane!! @ladyjane :)
June 7th, 2012
Well done @ladyjane, your photo is lovely.
Thanks for the Kubric challenge @gurry, inspiring and I really enjoyed it. Nice to see you back
June 7th, 2012
Conrats on winning the challenge, you did a great job of capturing the likeness ;) @ladyjane
June 7th, 2012
@ladyjane, looking forward the the next artist challenge that you get to present ;)
June 7th, 2012
@ladyjane Well deserved win!
June 7th, 2012
@ladyjane superb! congratulations!
June 7th, 2012
June 7th, 2012
@ladyjane You did it! Congratulations. I just loved this shot!
June 7th, 2012
Congrats, lovely shot well deserved
June 7th, 2012
@ladyjane - Congratulations!
June 8th, 2012
@ladyjane Congratulations on a fabulous shot and the win!!
June 8th, 2012
@ladyjane - congrats! this really was an awesome photo!
June 8th, 2012
Wow - thanks you guys! This comes as a huge surprise!
June 8th, 2012
I'm so happy for you. :))
June 10th, 2012
@ladyjane have you posted the next artist challenge? If so what is it, I may have missed the post. THANKS ;)
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