Camera Settings Challenge 12

September 7th, 2012
First off, I'd like to thank everyone for voting for my photo in the last challenge. I was very pleasantly surprised and my little man was so excited that someone voted for 'him'! :)) I am hosting this challenge in conjunction with Julie Cortens @cortens who came up with the actual challenge. She's a very talented photographer on this site. If you haven't seen her work, be sure to check her out.

Do some of the camera settings intimidate you? Do you want to learn how to develop your photography skills and learn how to use your camera effectively without always going back to the “auto” function? These challenges are for you!

This week’s challenge is: Slow shutter speed with intentional camera movement.

A few weeks ago, there was a slow shutter challenge with no tripod, but you were still going for a sharp, focused photo. For this challenge, you will need to use a slow shutter speed, at least 1/15 of a second, and then intententionally move the camera in order to create a blurry painted look. While looking for subjects, keep in mind lighting and textures as they can greatly affect your result. Also, look at different movements and how they impact your results, i.e. vertical movement, horizontal, circular, etc.

Julie has posted one of these recently on this site and then some on her blog also. Be sure to check out these links for some great examples! - the first 4 photos

Experienced photographers who are knowledgeable in this particular setting are encouraged to offer “kind and constructive” suggestions on the posted entries. Those entering this challenge want to learn and improve.

This challenge starts today, Thursday, September 6th, and will go through September 16th. All photos must be taken during these dates to be considered. Enter as many as you would like- the idea is to practice & learn. TAG YOUR PHOTO CSC-12 AND post your picture in this thread to receive feedback from other experienced photographers specific to this challenge.

I will then select the finalists and you will have 2 or 3 days to vote. The winner of the challenge will select an experienced photographer to host a new challenge. It is the winner’s option on who they want to host the next challenge; it may be someone they follow whose work they admire, or someone who is active offering suggestions on previous CSC challenges. The winner may also select an experienced photographer from the list of photographers who have agreed to host future challenges as another option. Here is the link to that list:

Expect to receive constructive suggestions on how to improve your skills.

How to post your photo on this link:
1) Go to your page that has the photo you wish to post.
2) Copy the “share” code in the bottom right section of that page.
3) Return to this thread and paste the code under comments

Have fun and I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!!!
September 7th, 2012
Here's another example I shot a few days ago.

September 7th, 2012
Wow, timing is everything - I was just wondering how to do that effect so now I will learn!! Thank you so much Michelle and to Julie Cortens @cortens for coming up with the idea! I love this challenge and look forward to learning something new!!
September 7th, 2012
This was yesterday, as my 'get pushed' challenge is panning. I found the rotational motion of the fan difficult.

September 7th, 2012
@_amyd_ @lstasel @wenbow @la_photographic @mikehamm @hehe1308 @saranna @pocketmouse @saranna @losthorizon @losthorizon @janmaki @debrac @debrac @losthorizon @petaqui @pschtyckque @pschtyckque @abhijit @swilde @spiralgrooves @spiralgrooves @onie @myhrhelper @mikehamm @tigerdreamer @jsw0109
@geertje @tigerdreamer @djepie @lyno @newbie @newbie @mikegifford @aurorajane @humphreyhippo @andycoleborn @mortisa @bentcherry @5unflow3r @traeumerlein87 @newbie @pocketmouse

@judithg @espyetta @smithak @jannkc @cheribug @hjbenson @mikehamm @rosiekind @tishpics @brumbe @roachling @ca_dev @tanja_1211 @cjdkc555 @snipsnap @sugarmuser @lynnb @doorknee71 @buttercup @groovygirlrn @rockinrobyn @ladykassy46 @tishpics @boogie @mgirard @httpgeffed @sianipops @paulaag @traeumerlein87 @hown @mantha @lorraineb @danig @harley84 @salza @mantha @monika64 @shannew @wenbow @steefsje @nicolecampbell @bdb3471 @iqscotland @jannkc @northy @sailingmusic @la_photographic @lleucullwyd @summerfield @mikehamm @bardejov @mikegifford @jjefferies @httpgeffed @tryeveryday @aromatic @tigerdreamer @lyoungs1023 @beba8162 @abhijit @lstasel @melee09 @rockinrobyn @vase @lynnb @hopess13 @luckypennydreamer @snipsnap @copperheadglass @rmkgreene @synke @marshmallows @marshmallows @traeumerlein @chapjohn @debrac @sobefree @tulipgirl @tthompsonca @tthompsonca @dhostick @bonniebouman @harley84

I may have repeated your name in error - I just went to some posts and copied and pasted, I apologize if that happened to you one or even more times.

You have participated in past Camera Settings Challenges by either trying out different shots or helping others learn. Just wanted to let you know we have a new CSC. This one the settings seem to be pretty basic for those brand new at the settings but allow for some real creativity too. Please feel free to offer suggestions, comments on those who participate and try a few of these shots yourself. If you have already tried this now would be a good time to try a new version of it.

@tryeveryday I'm so excited that Michelle is hosting this challenge since she is such a good photographer and Julie Cortens @cortens came up with the idea for this challenge - if you have seen her work I'm sure you would agree it is amazing.

I'm excited to try something new and learn more about my camera settings.
September 7th, 2012
Very, very cool. Thanks for hosting, @tryeveryday and the idea @cortens. And thanks for tagging me, @myhrhelper. I would have missed this otherwise. Hopefully, I will find the time for it.
September 7th, 2012
September 7th, 2012
Very cool idea, and nice results!
September 8th, 2012
Tried another shot today...this one is a high key train car passing by that was covered in graffiti.

September 8th, 2012
This is fun, I have tried this a couple of times
September 8th, 2012
This one is from the restaurant where we had dinner tonight.

September 8th, 2012
My first try

September 8th, 2012
My first try. My partly cloudy day turned into a full sun day so I used a .9 neutral density filter and stopped down to f/16 to shoot at 1/8 of a second.

September 8th, 2012
@lyno Great job. Beautiful colors Lyn.

@mikehamm Love the lines and neutral colors Mike.

@myhrhelper Great job Kathy. I love the colors and theway everything gradually goes out of focus.
September 8th, 2012
This began life as a coffee mug on my desk

September 8th, 2012
I am skiddish to join into challenges....but here I go with CSC-12 without a tripod.

September 8th, 2012

September 8th, 2012
Here are a couple of the pics I took today .. not really all that sure that I like either of them but I took loads and they all look quite similar! :)

September 8th, 2012
I found that I overexposed our smokey sky, but since it is smokey, I'm okay with that.
September 8th, 2012
September 8th, 2012
@lyno Love the colors.
September 8th, 2012
@traeumerlein Can't wait to see what you come up with!!
September 8th, 2012
@archaeofrog @lyno @mikehamm @myhrhelper @lstasel @srahman @welcometocarolworld @hehe1308 @doorknee71 @debrac @egad

Wow! I'm loving all the entries so far. It's so fun to see how the different colors and lighting really make for unique results. Add to that the different directions of camera movement...fantatic! You all are amazing me with all these photos!!!!
September 9th, 2012
Ok just warming up with this one,

This was done 1/5 of a second exposure moving the camera in a slight circular motion.
September 9th, 2012
Here is my submission for the challenge

1/5 of a second exposure. I started the frame slightly dipped to the left and straitened and dipped slightly to the right during the exposure.
September 9th, 2012

Hand held shot with exposure time: 1/4 sec.
September 9th, 2012
September 9th, 2012
Second try.......

September 9th, 2012

September 9th, 2012
Rather than moving the camera for this shot I changed the zoom on the lens. Starting out at 28mm I zoomed to 70mm. The sun was just setting so it was lighter out than I wanted and ended up with 1/8 second exposure and still blew out the sky.

I did use a tripod because I couldn't manipulate the lens and hold the camera steady at the same time. The hardest part of this shot was getting a smooth zoom.
September 9th, 2012
Here's my go - first attempt at one of these challenges. l like intentional blur better than accidental!
September 9th, 2012
Stood at this merry-go-round for a while trying to get this, it moved surprisingly fast, difficult to pan and keep the horse sharp but Im pleased with this effort.
September 9th, 2012
This is my second submission. Am I allowed two entries?

September 9th, 2012
I tried in black and white.....

September 9th, 2012
@srahman absolutely! The whole point of this is to practice a new skill. This one is great! You can enter as many photos as you like.
September 10th, 2012

Hand held camera shot. Exposure time: 1/3 sec.
September 10th, 2012
My first attempt at intentional camera movement.

SOOC image with handheld camera and 1 sec exposure. Zoom lens pulled back in to create movement.

September 10th, 2012
Michelle, thank you for hosting this. I really enjoy the CSC, always pushes me to learn and try something new. Kathy, thanks for tagging, I would have otherwise missed it. @tryeveryday @myhrhelper

My first attempt this evening:

September 10th, 2012
@synke I'm so glad you posted your photo here! I love the light and tones in it!!! Great job!
September 10th, 2012
@nadaa @hudamor @tubruk @tulipgirl @lstasel @mikegifford @myhrhelper @shuterfly

I'm so glad that Julie came up with this particular challenge. I love that a setting on your camera can give such a wide range of uniquely beautiful photos. All of these are so beautiful!! It's going to be nearly impossible to choose finalists!!!
September 10th, 2012
@tryeveryday I appreciate your unique way of handling this. Most of the time we look for someone to host it and they don't have the time and it gets really difficult to find someone. So you really thought outside the box and did the team method - what a great idea!!! This is a fun setting and I've seen pictures from others using this technique but I never tried it myself so it is very fun learning new settings and what you can do with them. For me personally it isn't about winning or being considered a finalist it is about the process. But after seeing some of the other entries I don't envy you in this task of selecting the finalists - I have several favorites.

My question and personal challenge is how do you use this method and make it look like it was suppose to look like that and not a failed focus photo. I don't know that it can be answered but it's something I wonder. I want to make it look intentional and not a fail.
September 11th, 2012
@myhrhelper Thanks, Kathy! This way of hosting the challenge just seemed to work out this time around. :) I am by no means an expert, and probably not qualified to even be doing this!! I'm completely self taught, so please take my opinion with a boulder-sized grain of salt!! Having said that, in my opinion, I think the intentional camera movement really has to be 'enough' movement that it really creates a completely different feel to the photo. Not just that it's out of focus or a little blurry, but that it changes the subject into something very artistic and sometimes even hard to discern what it really was. The movements, when more exaggerated, combined with the slow shutter speed, really create that watery, painterly feel in your piece of art that becomes your finished product.

@cortens I know Julie has been following these posts, so I'll tag her and see if she has some wisdom to add. :)
September 11th, 2012
@myhrhelper thanks for directing my attention to this challenge. It's a lot of fun!

September 11th, 2012
ok - here are two attempts... clearly not an area where i currently excel ;p

I See d'Em Flowers

La Nausée
September 11th, 2012

September 11th, 2012
1/4 f16 iso100
September 11th, 2012
@tryeveryday Thanks so much Michelle for your helpful tips. I was also wondering about trying to make it look intentional as @myhrhelper has said. Here's my other attempt, with that in mind, although my shutter speed isn't all that slow at 1/60
September 11th, 2012
Sport one
September 12th, 2012
September 12th, 2012
Funny - I decided to try more intentional camera movement on my own without realizing there was a challenge going on.

September 12th, 2012
1/4 f8 iso100
September 13th, 2012
I used the "Zoom Blur" technique, hope that counts?

September 13th, 2012

I dragged my camera on this long hike in the redwoods with my dog. Poor Bella got bored while i kept taking the same shot over and over again with different shutter speeds. :-)
September 13th, 2012
Well here goes ...

September 13th, 2012
September 13th, 2012
@wenbow Love your first one, looks like a Monet…I love art and have been dying to try this effect. Look forward to this challenge thanks @tryeveryday
September 13th, 2012
1/4 f32 iso100
September 13th, 2012
@staci2171 Thank you Stacy, I am geting a bit addicted to these, they are fun
September 14th, 2012
September 14th, 2012
Another go at this. This is my brother in laws painting.
I wanted a feel of movement.

And one more with same subject.
September 14th, 2012
September 15th, 2012
Here are my entries. I had fun doing this :)

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