Album Cover Challenge 9

October 1st, 2012
Apologies for the delay in hosting the next round of the Album Cover Challenge.
I thought I'd leave it a couple of weeks & I confess I then totally forgot about it!

The rules of the challenge, as shamelessly copied from round 8, are:

1. Go to and hit 'random article' on the left. The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

2. Go to and hit 'random quotes' on the left. Scroll down. The last 4-6 words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your album.

3. Now go take a photo that fits with your album!

4. Use your favourite editing program to create your cover.

5. Share your image (or images, you can do as many as you like) with us by tagging it with 'albumcoverchallenge9' !

This challenge will run until midnight October 7th (UK time) and I'll choose my favourites selection for votes. There is no limit to the number of entries you can make, just make sure to tag them as instructed above.

To share an entry in the thread, go to your uploaded image and find the area under your photo data that says "Share". Copy the code from the box and paste it in the discussion thread here.

You can use a previously shot image or one you shoot just for this competition, but you MUST use your OWN images!!

Happy shooting!

Some examples of previous entries:
October 2nd, 2012
I enjoyed this last time....will try again!

I Got:

Band: Roux de Marsilly
Album: It's your move
October 2nd, 2012
Going to try this.

I got:

Band: Padroeira
Album: Functionary for His Function

OMG - this could be interesting!
October 2nd, 2012
First timer at this.
I got;

Band: Nellie Stockbridge
Album: To Evolve As Human Beings

Very cool to get these two together. I have a plan.
October 2nd, 2012
Very interesting combo I have. This is my first! This should be fun!

Band: Fort Corcoran
Album: The Warrant and the Sanction
October 2nd, 2012
I'll give it a try...

Band: Mason County
Album: Comes From Bad Judgement
October 2nd, 2012
@hopess13 @megsy @sailingmusic @sharritta @raineyday
I'm looking forward to seeing your pics. Hope you have fun. Some great album titles here. :)
October 2nd, 2012
ha, I was looking for another challenge and stumbled across this! Fabulous....will get thinking again!!
October 2nd, 2012
@sparkle Enjoy! :)
October 2nd, 2012
just completed my first one...

Band: Catalyst (a novel by Laurie Halse Anderson)
Title: How to hide your sources (from a quote by Albert Einstein)

October 3rd, 2012
My first time!
Band: William Martel
Album Title: Taking Things for Granted
October 3rd, 2012
First try at this one...
Band/Artist: The Shaper
Title/Album: Nature has a Function

October 3rd, 2012
Ok, I'll give this a go.

Band: Ochyraea tatrensis
Album: My schedule is already full

October 3rd, 2012
@aquilathehun That's a cracking band name. ;)
October 3rd, 2012
I'm in!!

Band: Anthidium tarsoi
Album: Laughed often, and loved much

Already loving it )

October 3rd, 2012

First time and I'm loving it! Band name: I Believe (from Stevie Wonder song: "I believe, when I fall in love it will be for ever" and album title: "Out doing something interesting." Look at my 365 album for the source...
October 3rd, 2012
My attempt, i love this challenge!...
October 3rd, 2012
Here's mine!
October 5th, 2012
his profession Is unshakable by Concerto !!!

You have to be joking!!!

Edit PS: hmmmmm..... you've got me thinking :)
October 6th, 2012
Band: Shadow Of The Red Baron
Quote: First Create The Universe
October 7th, 2012
October 7th, 2012
all these are so cool! fun challenges here!
October 8th, 2012

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