Winner: Camera Settings Challenge #19 Manual Focus

January 21st, 2013
Congratulations to Cassandra @ozziehoffy for her bee-utiful focus and photo, which turned out to be the Winner of the Manual Focus camera settings challenge!

Cassandra, your grand prize is an all-expenses-paid trip to snowy Montana so that you can keep tabs on Aaron and Jake (@grizzlysghost @jsorensenart) and try your hand at cold, beautiful snowscapes!

Oh wait, we don't have a prize budget. Never mind. Disregard that part.

Your prize is you get to organize the next camera settings challenge! Woo-hoo! :)

This link has a listing of prior topics and prior host volunteers (although I think we have probably exhausted the volunteer list at this point): Let me (or maybe better yet Kathy @myhrhelper) know if you have questions.
January 21st, 2013
Well deserved! Congratulations Cassandra @ozziehoffy
January 21st, 2013
Great job and beautiful photo Cassandra. Congratulations.
January 21st, 2013
Congratulations! Beautiful shot, well deserved!
January 21st, 2013
Lol. Congrats! Can't wait for the next camera settings challenge
January 21st, 2013
Well done... Gorgeous shot!
January 21st, 2013
Congrats Cassandra. You deserved it. Great capture
January 21st, 2013
Many, Many Congratulations Cassandra ...♥♥
January 21st, 2013
@rockinrobyn lol you crack me up!!
January 21st, 2013
Great quick focusing on this!
January 21st, 2013
Beautiful shot
January 21st, 2013
Great job Cassandra - well done on the win.
January 21st, 2013
Congratulations Cassandra ..... it is a beautiful shot :)
January 21st, 2013
Congratulations Cassandra...beautiful focus!
January 21st, 2013
Woo Hoo Cass. Bummer about the trip to Montana though.
January 21st, 2013
@onie :)
January 22nd, 2013
Congratulations!!! Woo Hoo - really an awesome photo and great example of Manual Focus!

It is your turn to find a photographer to host the next camera settings challenge OR you can host it yourself if there is a setting you know that you would like to do.

January 22nd, 2013
@myhrhelper @rockinrobyn @onie @kazlamont @willowdragon @alceyone @wildernesswillie @tthompsonca @aromatic @losthorizon @gillg @nadahfeteih @salza @lstasel @tara11

Wow, what a thing to find when you log on!! Thanks so very much everyone and to all who voted for my shot. I never expected this outcome, in fact... hosting is scary lol.

@rockinrobyn BAHAHAHAH... if only, huh!! Besides, what makes you think anyone could keep tabs on Aaron and Jake! Anyway, Jase would get upset then ... @jase_h @grizzlysghost @jsorensenart
January 22nd, 2013
Congratulations! Very gorgeous image. :)
January 22nd, 2013
Hey, i just like to watch, thats all :p

January 22nd, 2013
@jase_h hahaha could run with this one....
January 22nd, 2013
Go for it, I have no shame ;)

January 22nd, 2013
wonderful shot, Cassandra. Congrats!
January 26th, 2013
@ ozziehoffy Congrats Cass, Lovely shot!
Can I come with you on your trip to Montana? Does the budget extend that far?
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