Problems with uploading new photos

October 22nd, 2010
Hi everyone,
I am having problems with uploading a new picture to the site. Yesterday, when I tried to upload I clicked Browse to pick my picture and then I clicked Upload. At that point the progress bar was done very fast. Usually, you can see it uploading the photo. I clicked Confirm Dates and Add Tags and that brought me straight back to the Home page with all your pictures but not mine. I clicked on the You page and it just shows the old picture from 2 days ago. I tried it several times yesterday and today also with different pictures - no luck. First I thought there is something wrong with the site. But I can see other new pictures on there.

Does any one know what to do?

Thanks a lot for your help
October 22nd, 2010
Sounds like a temporary glitch on your happens to me once in a while on different sites. I come back in a while and it's fine.
October 22nd, 2010
Not had that problem but I usually e-mail my pictures.
October 23rd, 2010
im having the same issue and i don't know why. it lets me upload but when i confirm it just takes me back to the home page like nothing was uploaded
October 23rd, 2010
That happened to me the other day too. I tried later and it seemed to work fine. It may have been a temporary glitch or bug...
October 23rd, 2010
Thanks for your suggestions. The normal upload still doesn't work. But there is a link to a basic version of the uploader and that does work. So right now I am using this one but will try the other one periodically.
October 25th, 2010
It works again. Those of you who said to be patient and wait were right. As of Sunday the normal upload is back to normal.
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