50 Photographers/ Photos I Suggest Checking Out

February 27th, 2011
There is some incredible talent here at 365, incredible! Each day I am amazed by the talent of these artists. I am one of those people who favorites the photos she finds amazingly cool. I just want to take a moment and show off some of the photographers I have discovered so far and the photos that made me gasp enough to favorite them and add them to my follow list. I am keeping the list to 50, but to be honest..there are a lot more. I just wanted to celebrate these photos publically so they all know how much I enjoy their work. I am not a professional or anything, and I cannot call myself an expert. I just want to take a moment and celebrate some awesome people. (Warning this list is long and may take a while to load completely)They are not posted in any specific order.

1) Nicole Louise--Look at those colors and how very well the shot was lined up. That is some fantastic composition work.


2) Bekki Reed--B&W photos amaze and inspire me. Check out how the lamp-posts all line up perfectly and make a fantastic symmetry and harmony that the eye loves to linger over.


3) Vaderkip (Paul)--Once again I could not resist the B&W. I love that he chose to focus on the pattern of the giraffe rather than the neck and head, as most people would immediately do. This kind of forces the seer to appreciate and notice the giraffe in a whole different way.


4) Lauren Dahlhauser-- Incredible talent! I had to laugh when I saw this one. The B&W makes the red bird pop out of the photo and the peeking behind the tree just makes for visual interest and merriment. You can never have to much of that.


5) Mindi Capp--I loe Architecture. The graceful curves made me swoon and I love the shape of this stairwell. People often forget to look up. I am so glad Mindi did.


6) Richard Shears--How on earth does he get something so perfectly balanced and so wonderfully captured? This photo made me think of Tuscany and quiet city walks. I love the composition and the way he set the colors.


7) norelpref His skill with photoshop makes me envious, his sense of humor makes me laugh, and his wondeful skill makes me a firm fan. It takes a creative mind to take several things, combine them together, and create art. That is what he does very, very well.


8) Sara Louise Brown--Ok, so it's a door. There are millions of them. It takes a very good eye to make one stand out and become something beyond beautiful. This is a door worth hanging in a room to calm and reassure you. Sara has a great eye.


9) Kimberly Mitchell--Little things can be amazing things. This hermit crab is given center stage and each vibrant part of him is sharp and clear. What a great piece of art. The slightly off-center shot gives the crab a little bit more personality.


10) Tracey Hatcher--These boats have such a haunting and intriguing air about them. The overcast sky adds to the drama and emotion. What a great present for her father, don't you think?


11) Tommy--Color, Color, Color. if photos were dreams this would be one I would want to have. I love the tree in the center and the bright vividness of the flowers coupled with the calm blue of the sky.


12) Kim--Shadow shots amaze and compel me. In this one Kim makes not only a very cool shot of her daughter against the bright light of an interesting blue window, but makes a memory of her daughter captured forever at just this moment of her growth.

13) Martha Wright-- There is just so much to love here. My attention is drawn into a circle pausing at each different clock. There is so much to see in this photo.


14) Katrina--Full of humor and fond affection, this photo makes a nostalgic moment even more memorable with the title "I live with Batman". What it lacks in technical merit, it makes up in good old fashioned sweetness.


15) Tabitha Hobbins--Ever try to take a good photo of a shiny object? Yeah, this one is deceptively simple looking. This photo makes me want to be a better photographer or, at the very least, finally get a shiny object to obey me. Did I mention the blue background totally rocks?


16) Katie Bray-- It is an illusive thing, a child. They grow up incredibly fast. The memories they create will be just a wisp of memory for them, but live eternally in their parents minds. Katie captures her child with love and a very good eye to composition (do not be fooled taking photos of children takes incredible talent and patience) One day these photos will be cherished bits of a very real life.


17) Graeme Webster--This photos is not only stunning, it took a lot of work to make. You know because Graeme always tells you how he did it. The shot is just plain cool, and the effect makes it something you are drawn to for its beauty as well as its stunning conceptualization.


18) George Kaplan-- Sometimes a photo is not just fantastic for its photo alone, sometimes the story that goes along with it makes it something not to be forgotten. When a photographer is also a good storyteller, you are sure to find many things to love about their work.


19) Christine Hamrick--What a fun shot. I can only imagine how many shots it took to get this one perfectly blended final piece. The photo has all the earmarks of perfection. The composition, the lighting, the sharpness of the photo, however, all these are nothing compared to the intuition of a photographer to know just what the "right" shot looks like.


20) Ria Ward--Sometimes the best shots are not anything more, or less, than the things that mean the most to the photographer. Ria's bears are obviously important to her, having her share her special memories and treasures, is a real gift.


21) Andrew-- What a memorable photo. I love portraits and this one is amazing. The lines and curves of a face, combined with the lines and curves of a camera. What a great visual image.


22) Rebecca Burton--How can anyone resist the humor and sweetness of this photo? Rebecca not only makes a photo collage that makes one chuckle, she does it with a skill that produces a sharp, creamy image that anyone would be proud to have on a family wall.


23) Flamez-- What a technically marvelous piece! There is emotion and interest and a teensy bit of wonder about this photo. Flamez makes a photo that leaves you feeling energized by a feeling of action.


24) Wendy Delena-- So much visual interest in this shot. It's vivid with color, is wonderfully presented. and it just plain fun to look at..what more could you want in a photo?


25) Dennis Dantic--I love Landscape shots. I can almost feel the grass and woodchips under-foot, and the childlike part of me wants to pop into the photo for a quick WHEEE! down that really cool slide.


26) Carl: I love that this is a close-up shot of something you have to think about to discover. I love the textures and the way it makes you wish you could smell the sawdust. Since I am partial to England, this is an easy photo for me to love.


27) CaraJill Smith The mystery and wonder of small things. Well focused and tenderly presented. You can even see the fingers without a single sharp detail lost.


28) Arnel D Cupon Jr.--Working to take a photo of about a million little flames that bounce and blow can make taking this kind of shot a practice in frustration. Amazingly done and with such beautiful color and texture.


29) Peter Van Allen-- Anyone who has seen Peters photos knows he has incredible talent. This one is the one I have fallen in love with. Not only because I love England and this takes my breath away, but because it is a completely beautiful photo of Big Ben. I love architecture so this choice was easy.


30) Graham Harcombe-- The timeless age of this pump presented as the subject of the photo made me smile. The wood against that deep black metal makes for a lovely combination of color and texture.


31) Quincy John Tampo--What an amazing photo. I love photos of people. Their life and story is very interesting and thought provoking. I love the industriousness of the worker and the feeling of reality the photo leaves you with.


32) Kim S.--I love the industriousness and pattern of this photo by Kim. She makes me want to walk the bridge and check out the scenery. This photo leaves me a feeling of wondering where it all leads to.


33) Pari Gan-- This photo of something everyday and part of the normal events of a day, is elevated into a place of art and nostalgia. It's like a breath of normalcy and peaceful tranquility. I sure hope my home looks as serene when I am relaxed in teh evening.


34) Emma Gutteridge-- Sometimes the best art is one that startles you into contemplation. This piece is fantastically creative, eye-opening, and a real in-your-face challenge to pay attention. Art is about making people think and this photo is fantastically vibrant in that capacity.


35) Bethany Gardner-- Sometimes art causes a call to action. It compels and demands that you pay attention. What can I say, I admire anyone willing to stand by their beliefs and attempt, in every way they can, to change the world for the betterment of mankind.


36) Matt Clendon--Amusing and creative, this piece speaks of an active mind. It invites you to interact with it, to enjoy yourself and ask questions. It has a soft and intriguing quality that makes you wonder about the photographer and his life.


37) Hettie Meyer --This photo has a dreamy, imaginative quality about it. The sea beacons and the color soothes.


38) Emma Grey-- This photo reminds me of Hobbits and Fairytales. It makes me want to read a good book and gaze into fantasy daydreams. The color and textures are wonderfully alluring and it makes me want to turn the camera around so I can see what is behind the camera that I am missing.


39) Brandy W.--I love the lighting in this photo as well as the off-center positioning of the child in it. The child's back to me, makes me want to peek over a shoulder and see what they are looking at too.


40) Tnaki-- The stunning beauty of this architecture is wonderfully featured and celebrated in this photo. The use of a collage makes it so you can see all sides of this beautiful bridge and appreciate it for what it is, Art.


41) Alexandra Jayne Taylor--I love that the subject is up close and in the center of the shot. There is so much to see and understand in this child's face. They say your story is in your face. If so this child's face has a definite story to tell.


42) Matty B.--I am entranced by this photo. I love the flash of the colors around the ring and the ingenuity that made up the effects. I find it incredibly cool that the pattern of the ring is still discernible at the bottom of the ring. Not to mention how darn involved making this photo must have been.


43) Michelle Zahn--I love that this is in B&W. I love that is has intimacy and nostalgia. I love that is has an everyman quality that makes you know, with a pang of understanding, that this could be your own memories in front of you.


44) Sarah Watson--I love the romance of this photo. The clever use of color and the lovely texture of the rocks that surround.


45) Elizabeth Hanna--I love Elizabeth's humor in this photo. The way it invites you to chuckle and enjoy life.


46) Lux Vivens--How can I not adore this photo? It's fragile, humorous, and endearingly human. The background doesn't deter from the subject and it is placed in profile so that you can best get the point of the subject matter.


47) Mimma_blue--What can I say, this one made my eyes happy with the bright and vividly bright colors. The detail and the symmetry delighted my eye as well.


48) Anna--Bright Fiery colors and stunningly bold black shadow trees. The sun rising and bringing brilliant light just made it all the more breathtakingly lovely.


49) Al Harris--Amazingly brilliant colors, fantastic detail, and bird! Al makes me want to join him in his kitchen to spot and photograph the wonder that is bird. I love the bright boldness of the red cardinal next tot he dark yellow of the other birds.


50) Rachel B. Clever, interesting, and mysterious. This photo makes me want to travel and discover secret cultural civilizations. Wonderful bold and definitely intriguing.


February 27th, 2011
Agreed on so many of those!!!!
February 27th, 2011
Wow i'm number 40 - thank you so much for the appreciation :-)
I love that you can tag a photo as a Fav - it's a great way to get a collection of inspiration!!! Nice post
February 27th, 2011
oooohhhhh wow thanku ! :) :)
February 27th, 2011
Really great collection of shots and photographers! Thanks so much for sharing! :)
February 27th, 2011
Wow. Amazing! Thank you for sharing. (:
February 27th, 2011
some amazing photographers up there... spectacular!

but just quietly you totally forgot me though hahaha! *poke!*
February 27th, 2011
some amazing photos here. And thank you for including me among them. Very honoured.
February 27th, 2011
Great selection here. :-) Thank you for sharing.
Can you edit the post and put the photo in for Peter Van Allen please? It seems to be missing.
February 27th, 2011
@nectarfizz WOW Bekki....You have no idea how awesome this was to come home find this. I seriously can't tell you how flattered and honoured I am. I agree there is a lot of talent on 365 and for you to include me in a group of your top 50, is completely awesome!! Thanks Again.....YOU ROCK!!!
February 27th, 2011
I saw this thread and I thought oh great let me go look and find some new people to follow. Completely surprised to come across my name! Thanks so much for the huge compliment!
February 27th, 2011
Wow thanks Bekki, what an honour!! Thank you so much :) :) Better go and take a good picture for today then ;)
February 27th, 2011
@nectarfizz When I saw this discussion, In my mind this is something to check for photographers to follow and to have new inspirations, but I am so surprised, never expect that I will be here #25.. What an honour to be in your list. Thanks so much... this is really inspiring.
February 27th, 2011
Wow thanks for including me on this awesome list!! There are so many great pictures here and I appreciate the recognition to create that ring shot. It was not an easy thing and I honestly don't know if I can ever recreate it!!! Thanks again!!
February 27th, 2011
@sam_cr Sadly, you were missing from my follow list (some horrible oversight, don't worry someone will be fired for this. lol) I corrected that error right away! :)

February 27th, 2011
@wormentude oops. thanks for catching that one. Corrected now.
February 27th, 2011
Totally agree. It's such an inspiration to see these wonderfully talented artist's work.
February 27th, 2011
These are all wonderful; thanks for sharing!
February 27th, 2011
Wow, these are great - thanks for taking the time to share!
February 27th, 2011
Wow. Fantastic. I hadn't seen so many of those already, so thank you for sharing :o)
February 27th, 2011
I am honored to be included in your list of 50!! This is very cool of you to do and I loved seeing all the other photographers you listed here! What a great way to find new people!! Thank you for sharing!
February 28th, 2011
WOW!!! Those are ALL great!!!
February 28th, 2011
Thank you so much for including me. I feel so special and appreciate your kind words!
February 28th, 2011
I am #49
THANK YOU so much for the mention :) what an incredible list you have compiled for everyone to check out! Thank you so much for your time and effort to put this together i loved it!!
March 1st, 2011
These are fantastic!! Thanks for sharing :)
March 1st, 2011
@pocketmouse You would have been #51. Sadly I had to stop somewhere. lol
March 4th, 2011
number 12, i have a very similar shot of a young boy by a window just like that! how cool.
January 20th, 2012
@nectarfizz aw!! I just saw this shame on me!!! thank you so much for the mention :)
January 20th, 2012
Wow...this is awesome. Thanks for taking the time!
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