Wanted: Food Photos! One more week for BLD-22!

August 7th, 2023
There's just one more week left for this round of the Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner challenge and we need some entries! So far we've only got submissions from one photographer, and while they're lovely shots, it would be good to have some competition in this competition!

Whether it's a photo of your weekly dinner date, baking with the kids/grandkids, a special dessert for a special day, quiet morning coffee alone, or whatever else, please tag photos of your food related traditions and rituals (routines) with BLD-22.

This round of the contest runs through August 13, and anything you may have posted since July 13 is fair game!

You can check out the original post here:
August 7th, 2023
Oh dear, I'm so sad no one else entered.
August 8th, 2023
Ok just tagged one.
August 10th, 2023
@30pics4jackiesdiamond We have a couple more now, and maybe we will get some really last minute ones in the remaining few days. Fingers crossed!

@allsop Wonderful, thank you!
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