
January 3rd, 2012
Christmas morning all over again - I discovered I have free access to Photoshop CS5 through my university's cloud server! So now the question is, how do I learn to use it?
January 3rd, 2012
@thuitt most of us.. trail and error.. tons of youtube vids tutorials ..,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=8875e76c9b0f2615&biw=1280&bih=637

make sure anything you do .. is backed up and not the original photo..

have fun and play with something and try and remember how you got that effect...

January 3rd, 2012
Workshops can be handy, YouTube is a good place to start. Books are really good!
January 3rd, 2012
I'm not associated with Scott Kelby at all, but I like his tutorials. I subscribed to photoshop user magazine, and also the online site which contains tons of tutorials.

Also, an interesting site with photoshop tutorials and links is the Pioneerwoman photography section.

When you learn about 'actions', you can start downloading lots of free, and lots of paid, actions which can help speed things along.

To prevent making permanent changes, you can make new adjustment layers, and make the adjustment to the layer, then change the blend mode around, and the opacity. "Play around' is a key phrase, and it always comes down to how the image looks. At some point, obviously, permanent changes can happen, and/or you just want to move and and be done with things.

Image sizing is good to know about, a resolution of '72' is used on the web. And the 'resample image' box should be unchecked.


January 3rd, 2012
Some links here:

Probably if you search through discussions you'll find more. Adobe website has some tutorials.

Topics you may want to lookup on youtube or elsewhere:

Adobe Camera Raw
using Bridge
using layers, especially adjustment layers (curves, levels, b&w), and blending modes
making selections
creating masks
using brushes
using healing brush, patch tool and clone stamp
saving for web
January 3rd, 2012
simple, the same way Jascha Heifetz pointed out how to get to Carnegie Hall.... Practice :)

kelby training has a lot of good tutorials, as well as youtube and many tutorials via google. just be warned, as soon as you figure it out, they update it, and you will feel like it is a fresh start
January 3rd, 2012
I use both YouTube tutorials and just any tutorials I can find through a Google search. Even if I can't get mine to come out exactly like the tutorial, I think of it as an advantage to make the photo more of my own. And the more you practice tutorials the easier to just add your own little twist to other tutorials or even mix a few together. (IDK if that made any sense to you. sorry)

Anyway, it is a fun way to learn. You can look through my photos and you can definitely see my progress (from having horrible lines from not following tutorials at all to small improvements from toying with tutorials to where I am now). I know I still have a long ways from being as good as I possibly can but I also know I have come a long way from where I was.

one of my first attempts (12/30/2010):

more recent (11/12/2011):
January 3rd, 2012
January 3rd, 2012
Thanks everyone for the advice. Hopefully I can spend the rest of my break messing around with it.
January 5th, 2012
@thuitt , ya mess around, be creative....And make layers!! after every single editing.It's imp.I taught my self like that.And ya YOUTUBE,you can find the best teachers ever!
January 8th, 2012
I was just about to post a thread asking for help for the same thing! Glad I searched it first :)
I just got a copy of Photoshop and have watched some vids but I'm still lost. I'm going to have to sit and play with it....and try not to get too discouraged.
Did you find any vids that you found really helpful?
January 9th, 2012
Every so often I write up a how-to here on 365. One or two of these may be helpful (or not)...

Eye Edit (Photoshop) tutorial:

Create a custom brush (Photoshop) for watermarks tutorial:

Photoshop blend modes tutorial:

Textures Part A (creation):
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