
January 3rd, 2012
I've been at home for about a month now, and away from campus and pretty much everything that inspires me to take photographs. Mostly because I seldom go anywhere when I'm home for breaks. I've been utterly failing at taking pictures everyday.

What do you do when you're uninspired?
January 3rd, 2012
I ask friends for ideas and look up photo challenges either on here or gizmodo. I also tend to write down ideas when I have a lot flowing through my head just for such a day.
January 3rd, 2012
I listen to music..........certain songs can have a reall good effect on promoting ideas.
January 3rd, 2012
listen to music, let my mind flow and write down ideas as im thinking.. on a piece of paper so if i ever run out of a idea, i always have something on the back up!
January 3rd, 2012
I have cats. They're always doing something that I want to take pictures of, so they're great if I'm lacking ideas or busy with other things.
January 3rd, 2012
spray/sprinkle things with water and try to get a different view?
January 3rd, 2012
I agree with @tjramutkowski and @boycotting as well. I've done that many times. My favorite photo from my first year was inspired by a song and now only about 2 months into my second year, my favorite photo is also inspired by a song.
January 3rd, 2012
Can you go out to a public place like downtown? Anywhere people are moving and things are at least a little active. Find a bench, and plant yourself down. Then give yourself a minute to observe. After that, shoot everything that could be remotely interesting: cars, people, dogs, trees, reflections, the sky, the ground, water fountains, lights. The time you allow yourself can vary, but make it short enough to feel pressured and challenged (a minute to a few minutes). Remember, you can't get up! That can be a challenge when something is in the middle of you and the object you're trying to capture.

You'll come home with a bunch of useless pictures, but take a look at them. Sometimes you never see something in person that the camera captures. Find the things that could have been improved, and figure out how you would have done it differently.

One time I captured an ambulance going down the street. The timing was so quick that it was a challenge.

Or check out some photos on this site and try to replicate them. The possibilities are endless! Just don't be so strict and have some fun!
January 3rd, 2012
when i'm uninspired i take my camera into the garden and take a shot of a plant or something, often i'll find a little bug or a bird and that gives me a bit of inspiration.
January 3rd, 2012
I find challenges too. There's a fun-looking January treasure hunt challenge running at the moment - info here: http://365project.org/discuss/themes-competitions/9626/january-treasure-hunt#post-reply

(I also use the philosophy 'if in doubt, overprocess!' so if the pics for the day don't work out, picnik usually comes to the rescue!).
January 3rd, 2012
do one of the many challenges and themes. This week there are photobomb, two random tags, selfie dreams, exposure (over/ under), fireworks, and an artist.
January 3rd, 2012
I've ditched my normal camera at the moment and started taking phone shots with various photo apps. It's given a fresh perspective to the project for me.
January 3rd, 2012
I find something each day that makes me happy. I live in smalltown, USA that has very little charm or inspiration, so it can be tough sometimes. Happiness and gratitude always find me a photo. Take care
January 3rd, 2012
Like courtney , I live in a small town , but in England , and totally identify with waht she says.
At the end of the day its meant to be a fun hobby , not a 365 day marathon competition . Just photo ANYTHINg , something will happen eventually.Ive 'been amazed at the response to some of those desperate snatched shots from a beginner.
January 4th, 2012
@jeancarl Thank you, that's very helpful.
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