What is your favourite lens?

January 3rd, 2012
I was considering my extensive wish list yesterday and figuring ou exactly how I will be able to afford everything I want and decided rather than pien for what I want it is better to be grateful for what I have.
Those of you that follow me know I don't have an extensive range of equipment. I have my old but trusty Canon 350d, an 18-200mm lens, my little nifty fifty, a tripod, some extension tubes and a reflector not a huge list compared to some!

That doesn't mean I don't improvise with things around the house whilst waiting until my piggy bank is full enough to buy the next thing on the list (this seems to take forever as usually we have one crisis or another which dips into it)
Here's one of my failures when I was trying to create enough lighting to get a good water crown shot. It looks more impressive than the results were!

Anyway, I digress, of your current lenses (not ones you wish you could have!) which is your favourite and why?

I like the range of focal lengths my zoom lens gives me but it is rather heavy to carry around all day (and my camera does go with me all day, every day!).

My 50mm on the other hand is a lot lighter and took a while to get used to as I had to do the moving rather than the lens itself. Once I got used to the adjustment and started looking at different ways to take the photo I began to love it.
So, for now my 50mm is my favourite.

How about you?
January 3rd, 2012
I'm going with the Canon 85mm f/1.8
January 3rd, 2012
@srahman Any particular reason Sofian?

(Just thought, I can see this thread backfiring and adding to my wish list...!)
January 3rd, 2012
i love both my nifty fifty and my 35... toss up!
January 3rd, 2012
i either use the Nikkor 50mm as its light and is good at doing an all round job....more recently ive been using the 18-105 1.8....its a beuty....PS please follow me :)
January 3rd, 2012
The images are sharper on the 85mm than on the 50mm. And the narrower field of view forces me to think very hard in terms of composition. When I get it right, the results are very nice indeed.
January 3rd, 2012
I am restricted in my range of lenses so mine is pretty boring really ... my 400D is pretty much always equipped with my 50 mm f/1.4 ... definitely love it ...

However I do find myself in a macro mood on a regular basis - 60 mm f/2.8 ...
January 3rd, 2012
@emmar84 I am completely and totally in love with my nifty fifty. (Nikkor 50mm f1.8) I was telling someone the other day that I am about to the point where, if I can't get it with this lens, it's not a photo I want to take. :)
January 3rd, 2012
I don't have a ton of lenses to comment on. My kit lens did the job for almost 2 years, but as soon as I got my 50mm f/1.4 I have been dreaming about, the kit lens is in the bottom of the bag. I tried using the kit lens on Christmas day because I can be closer to the subject (IE my son opening presents) than I can with the 50 and it lasted about a minute before I grabbed the 50 back up. It does SO much better in low light.
January 3rd, 2012
My favorite lens is my 100mm 2.8 macro lens - it does amazing close -up shots, gorgeous portraits and even landscapes in a pinch. It's heavier than my 50 but can do so much more!
January 3rd, 2012
My 50mm f1.4 is my favourite lens as it is so versatile and sharp and I love the dreamy bokeh it produces. A close second is my macro 50mm f2.8. My 18-70mm kit lens broke and my 55-200mm kit lens rarely gets used anymore. I am dreaming of a 85mm f1.4 and maybe a 20mm f2.8. It's my birthday next week, perhaps I should strat dropping some hints!! hehe! :)
January 3rd, 2012
Damn. Another thread telling me I need a second lens!
January 3rd, 2012
*telling me = giving me an excuse to convince myself I 'need'...!
January 3rd, 2012
Actually, now that I'm here, please could someone tell me briefly what the difference between a nifty fifty and a macro lens is? Or can a lens be both?!
January 3rd, 2012
My old 18-70 kit lens is what is usually on my camera. It's just a very effective zoom range for me and is very light. My 50 usually only comes out when I know I'll need the larger apertures, but the obvious love that people are showing for their 50s makes me think I should use it more.
January 4th, 2012
love the little set up. i only have the standard 18-55mm was thinking of investing in a 50mm though
January 4th, 2012
50mm f/1.4 .........but i think i need a wide angle prime soon.
January 4th, 2012
used to be my nifty 50, but i find i am falling in love with my 85 mm f1.8:)
January 4th, 2012
@srahman - i so agree!
January 4th, 2012
I just got the Canon 50mm f/1.4 for Christmas and loove it so far! It's partly what inspired me to start the 365 Project.
January 4th, 2012
Easy my Sigma 70-300, I was gutted when it broke but those guys at Sigma HQ sorted me out with little fuss. This lens is now kept for extra special shots that a Tramron 28-200 can't cope with.
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