Name tags

January 9th, 2012
Who do you make the name tags at the bottom of you pictures????
Here is am example from: @bobbyj
January 9th, 2012
That's a watermark and can be placed on using most types of photo editing software.....I'm sure there will be someone along soon to give more detailed instructions.
January 9th, 2012
If you don't have Photoshop, you can add a watermark (that's what they're called) in using the text button...though personally, I think watermarks are a bit of a wank, and I will never use them...
January 9th, 2012
I agree with @tabbycat - i have seen some watermarks that took up a third of the image, and you could hardly see the image from the watermark. i think they take away from the image. the funny thing, this topic can be argued as much as which camera is better - the great Nikon or Canon debate.
January 9th, 2012
I think those are fine if you are a professional photographer. Otherwise, what's the point?
January 9th, 2012
How I do my watermark is make it in Photoshop, then drag it into the image I want it on as another layer, and play with the opacity if I desire. I watermark anything that has a car in it (where I make my photo money) and other things in a very random matter. Usually I get lazy and just use the text tool and type "Heidi Gurov Photography" in small-ish text along the side of a photo. That's the easiest way. I always do something in the corner, usually rather small.

If the photo is for sale on my smug mug, it does get a giant transparent watermark along the middle so if someone screen shots the photo to steal it, they get my name all big right across the image. That's what they get trying to get something for free *shrug*

For me it's about advertising since I have something at stake shooting professionally. It is also worse of a crime if someone removes a watermark from an image, because then they are purposely trying to conceal ownership. I nailed a company on ebay for this, they stole one of my photos and (horribly) photoshopped out my watermark. Let's just say they quickly stopped using all my photos when I explained in a detailed email what they were doing...
January 9th, 2012
Canon. I'm sorry what were we talking about?
January 9th, 2012
I have a brush with my logo in photoshop. I use it because I'm a professional photographer and have had my images stolen on a few occasions simple because they didn't have a watermark. They literally told my lawyer they thought it was free public use because there wasn't a watermark on it.
Quick soapbox, I'm really tired of people saying that watermarks destroy art. No, people who steal art destroy it. Watermarks also work for marketing, because believe it or not, photographers don't make a lot of money and need all the free advertising they can get.
January 9th, 2012
@swguevin LOL!
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