how do you?

January 15th, 2012
i feel dumb, but i'm new to corel paint shop pro, and i want to paste three pictures together, and i just cant seem to figured it out? any help is greatly appreciated! thanks!
January 15th, 2012
hmm when i have to add 2 or more pic together i always use paint that i have on my laptop, and it is easy too.
but i don't have/know about the paint shop pro
January 15th, 2012
Do you mean as a panoramic style picture? Try watching and following this tutorial.
January 15th, 2012
One thing you could do:

1. Look at your three images sizes (in terms of pixels)
2. Make a new blank image in PSP with the combined width of your images, and the height of the highest
3. Also open each existing image in PSP
4. In turn copy and paste each existing image into your new 3-wide image as separate layers
5. Position as needed
January 15th, 2012
it took me six months, but decide which photo is your back ground. Good, now do not touch that for the time being. You will open your other two photos and with each one open, right click on each one, hit copy, and then go to your background photo and click paste. It truly is that easy but I found it by dumb luck. This will make your layers and when you save, you will want to go to top bar on layers and then merge them together. Let me know if you need anything else
January 15th, 2012
oh, if it was for panorama, I have not tried that yet.
January 15th, 2012
@brumbe its not for panorama ... i just want 3 pictures together, so i dont have to to upload 3 in different days.. :-\ i dont get it.. i feel dumb
January 15th, 2012
Are you trying to make a collage?
January 15th, 2012
@tigerdreamer yeah, something like that ;D
January 15th, 2012
@boycotting check out my first comment and I bet you will have it in about five minutes. Also if you want an easy way for a collage, download picasa from google for free and they make collages for you
January 15th, 2012
I don't know anything about photoshop,but my baby app on my phone,is pics art. It gives me a bunch of templates to pick from and then I just choose a template and choose the pics and it's done.
January 15th, 2012
create a new image as your background making sure its big enough to fit all the images you want to put on it open each photo individualy and copy it then on the background image paste as a new layer then resize and position to the size you want, repeat for each image and then merge all layers
January 15th, 2012
@boycotting has very basic editing if you don't pay for the year membership; but there are some collage choices for free too! This is all I use sorry I can't help with Corel though :)
January 15th, 2012
I use free software called photoscape download from

They have a wonderful and huge selection of collage templates.

if you want to look through some of my shots you will see I use the collage templates a lot.
January 15th, 2012
PSP is a great program and if you already have it no need to go out and find something new....stick with it and you will prevail! This is how I tackle the problem. Select your first photo and too that got to IMAGE> ADD BORDERS. The color of the border doesn't really matter- chose what you like- for the example I will paste here I added a very large border to the right of my first image...then go ahead and copy (right click on image you want to copy) and paste on your first image- paste as new layer. Then use your "pick Tool" it looks like an arrow- and move your pasted image where you want it. (with this pick tool you can also re-size your selected image if you want (very helpful tool). Do the same for your third photo (remember to paste as a new layer- so you can move and adjust as needed). Here's my pic... Hope it helps!
January 20th, 2012

I agree with @nikkers photscape is the way to go and its free and easy to use, to collage use the page button, pretty much everything else is done in 'editor' you can also get it here
This picture was done there in seconds, click and drag.
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