Canon 400D, less sensitive to light?

January 25th, 2012
On the weekend I got a canon 400D as second hand it was cheaper than replacing a broken hotshoe on my 350D. I don't know if I am just unused to the new camera but it seems to be much less sensitive to light than my 350D was.

I have taken some portraits of my children in my living room, lit with normal house lights. With my 50mm lens at f/5.6 I was able to get away with ISO200 maybe 400 and still have a fast enough shutter speed to freeze their motion.
With the same settings on the 400 even ISO 800 is creating much longer exposures and 1600 makes the images too grainy.
I've had to adjust the apperture to f/3.5 and at ISO 800 I am still having some motion blur with an exposure speed of 0.2 seconds.

Should I have the sensor cleaned? (I can't see any specks or dust on it) or is the 400Ds sensor less sensitive than the 350D?
January 25th, 2012
At night in your living room I'd expect to have to use a flash, you must have a decent bounce flash because you just went and replaced your camera for the sake of a hotshoe. Also I thought hotshoes are easy to replace, there are tutorials online on how to do it. If you really can't use flash then use a tripod but the 400's stats sound right to me, I can never get away with indoor evening shots without flash. Saying that I have a 400D - so maybe they're all like that?
January 25th, 2012
Thanks for replying Dave, the hot shoe was crushed after my husband dropped it on cement. I was quoted £150 to have it repaired and at teh same time my friend was selling his 400D for £120.
Our living room is narrow and has lights on both walls rather than a central light on the ceiling. Usually I am (or was with the 350D) able to get away with photos without a flash.
January 25th, 2012
I don't tend to use a flash with mine, I do take my pictures at 800/1600 iso though, but they don't seem excessively grainy.
January 25th, 2012
The graininess might just be my perceived image of it. I don't like my photos to be grainy or noisy so I'm always reluctant to turn up the ISO if there's another ay around it.
I guess it will be more flash photos then!
January 25th, 2012
Houselights .. not the best really Emma, I don't claim to have the answer for you, just to say, I would work your way back from the top ISO not sure what your 400d will do i have a 7d which gets up to 6400 ISO... I usually capture (good still) images from 1000 upwards in low lamp light .. usually at 5.6 without much trouble.
My lens are 24-105mm L is usm & an EFS 15-85 mm, both have image stabilizer ..

Not expert advice i know hope it helps a little ..
January 25th, 2012
If you shoot in RAW, at ISO 800 or even 1600 you'll be amazed how much of the graininess can be removed in Adobe Camera Raw.
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