Cameras on Airplanes?

January 26th, 2012
So, I'm not really planning on whipping out my Canon on the airplane, for most cases the iPhone will do fine, but it will be in my carryon in case there is anything particularly spectacular out the window. If I wanted to can I use it? Do you ever use your "good" camera on the plane? I couldn't find anything yay or nay on the "approved electronic devices" lists and I'm such a baby on planes I'll be terrified that by taking a photograph I'll bring the plane down LOL. I'm pretty sure it has a GPS locator inside... not sure about other potential hazards.

I'd love to get a picture of New York at night from above, but it's supposed to be raining so we'll probably be in the clouds before electronic devices are allowable.

While we're at it, feel free to show me your photographs that you have taken out of airplane windows! :) I love to see the world from above (especially from the security of my office chair, on the ground)
January 26th, 2012
i use my camera on aeroplanes, and it's got a gps thing too so i'm sure yours will be fine :)

i took this one a few months ago

January 26th, 2012
I never brought my DSLR on a plane, as I haven't flown since I got it....That being said I have had other digital cameras on board and have used them to get shots out the window.

As for "bringing down the plane" I wouldn't worry. That is an outdated hypothesis that was put into place when their radios were affected by outside electronic interference and had the potential to interfer with tower communications. It has been proven that it doesn't affect the flight as the flight attendants say" you can use approved devices now" The reason for this is that the plane is above 10,000 feet and the electronics/navigation equipment is in minimal use along with all the other things the plane uses to take off and land. That is why you put them away before landing. Airlines now offer internet and live tv while you are in flight. If that doesn't bring down the plane, then a camera won't either. I bet you could get 10 people to take out their cell phones and find at least one that isn't turned off. That would have more potential to "do something" than your GPS. All GPS does is communicate with sattelites to tell you your location. No radio signals or anything like that. There's nothing in a camera that could electronically or otherwise effect an airplane. Hell even the FAA has ok'd pilot to use iPads "during all phases of flight".
January 26th, 2012
take it on the plane and give it a shot. I've tried, but the photos weren't as good as the ones I got with my iPhone....something about those crappy windows I think. these were all taken with iPhone standard camera and processed with various apps. :)

January 26th, 2012
well there are people who leave their phones etc on by accident all the time and it hasn't brought the plane down so I'm sure you'll be fine. Worst case scenario you'll be asked to turn it off by a vigilant air hostess ;)

Also once they are sitting down - you can prob whip it out sneakily ;)
January 26th, 2012
Dubai... New Year's Day 2010... Blimey, seems a lot longer ago..!!

January 26th, 2012
whipped out my big ass bulky camera for the first time on a flight the last time i flew and realized what i was missing out on... flying tomorrow and will be doing the same.

pic of Mount St. Helens from my last trip heading back from Seattle...

January 26th, 2012
Thanks everybody! I feel more confident now! And great pictures all, keep em coming :D

@sdpace LOL... yes... I was so excited to get some good cloud shots the last time I flew and I had the crappiest airplane window ever. I was so disappointed! But I took one anyway ;)

January 26th, 2012
@polarvrtx oh man, that is just the worst, isn't it! you manage to get a window seat, lift the window cover, and it looks like 25 birds with diarrhea just flew by. BOOOOOOO! I hope you have better window luck during your upcoming travels. :)
January 26th, 2012
@grecican awesomeness! love the b&w
January 26th, 2012
@sdpace i faved your last two... wow, Stacy!!
January 26th, 2012
I find clouds are great with iphone, but for the ground you need a bit more. I actually take my lenses off and wrap them before flying for several reasonable but odd chance reasons. I tend to have my point and shoot which works just fine.

@grecican when i flew to San Fran last time we flew over Yosemite Valley and I have a photo of Half Done and El Cap
January 26th, 2012
There's a setting in your cell phone for using on a plane. As long as you do that, no worries. My Lumix camera has an aeroplane setting too. :-)
January 26th, 2012
I have a Canon 7D and no camera phone...I do it all the time:
January 26th, 2012
I never have thought about not using one on an airplane. No worries, since no one has told me not to... yet...

January 26th, 2012
As long as your iPhone is in in airplane mode as soon as the seatbelt light is out you can use it! I adore my picture of the skies over Hong Kong!
January 26th, 2012

Am on an aeroplane at least 5 times a week at the moment - I use a variety of cameras aboard - depends what I have with me!
January 26th, 2012
January 26th, 2012
I've used my DSLRs, a Holga, and an iPhone (airplane mode) on a plane, even during the no-no electronic device period (Holga doesn't count as electronic, though). Never had had any issues. I love taking photos of sunsets, clouds, etc. The world looks so cool from 30,000+ feet!

I am way more nervous about using my cameras in the actual airport than on the airplane.
January 26th, 2012
I'm still alive after taking pictures in flight! I think the main thing is safety and free of distractions. First, if you're more focused on your property than listening to safety instructions in the event of an emergency, you're more likely to cause harm to yourself or others. Disallowing electronics helps reduce those distractions. Second, having this stuff stowed prevents them from flying into the air/hitting someone else if the plane makes a sudden adjustment (this still can happen in the "approved" flying time). Just be aware of your surroundings and use your judgement on whether it's safe or not.

I've had some really bad windows. Use a hand wipe/napkin before the flight to clean it and it will help a little bit.

Las Vegas:




Over Moffett Field:

Where it snows up high:
January 26th, 2012
I've used both my nice camera and my iPhone on a plane... I know you're supposed to follow the no electronic use restrictions, but taking off and landing are the best times to take pictures! :)

Leaving LAX with my canon Rebel

Between Ontario, Ca and Oakland with my iPod touch:
January 27th, 2012

I will take out my "big camera" almost anywhere. I had a window seat, so I was not bothering anybody by shooting away at the cotton candy outside my window.
January 27th, 2012

I got told to turn it off for take-off and landing, but I didn't because I wanted to film take-off out the window
January 27th, 2012
The best pics I have taken from an airplane was when I was flying into Honduras.

January 27th, 2012
On a flight from Bangkok to Kuala Lumpur. The most amazing sunset was on the other side of the plane. Sigh.

January 27th, 2012
I LOVE flying with my camera...never forget it! My son is currently training to become a pilot and he takes me up when he can. Here are a few photos I've taken with him flying:

January 27th, 2012
Decided to try in on my last flight.

January 29th, 2012
I have been on flights where we were encouraged to grab our cameras and shoot away, most memorable being a scenic flight through the highest mountains in Pakistan run by PIA the Pakistan International Airline

May 3rd, 2012
Since I have my DSLR, I only took it to go from France to Russia... and as Kim said.. Never forget it.. it is just a wonderful world in highs.
In about One week I will fly to California from France and believe me my DSLR will be in my hand during all the flight :)
Here are some pictures taken during my russian trip :

May 21st, 2012
Flight to Iceland - had window seat.

Flight from London to Belfast - had aisle seat.

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