Walk on Water

February 1st, 2012
I post all my pictures that I take for 365 on my facebook page and my sister has seen them she messaged me with an idea to take a picture of someone walking on water. I thought it was a brilliant idea! But I have no idea on how to go about making this picture happen! I don't even know where I would begin to or how to take the picture of it.. what kind of pictures i would need and how I would photoshop it! Anyones thoughts, ideas or even how they would go about doing this would be greatly appreciated! I only have a p&s camera so I can't do anything too fancy.
February 1st, 2012
Get someone with really, really long legs. Tie some shoes to their knees, and get them to stand in a river.
February 1st, 2012
@manek43509 LOL i don't know anyone with long legs =[
February 1st, 2012
I'm so tempted to help and show you some that I've done but it depends on how Christian you are because mine are heathen in nature.
February 1st, 2012
@sdpace I'm not christian.
February 1st, 2012
i've only played with toys, but there's a filter for photoshop you can get online for free that will add water to your photo with reflections and light refractions....

mind you, if I did this photo now, even a short year later, it would be way more awesome.

i also did tiny jesus walking on a plate of water

if you're looking for some serious walk on water action, you need photoshop skillz. do you has photoshop skillz?
February 1st, 2012
@sdpace Yup, I have photoshop skills lol. I currently use Gimp. Your bottom picture gave me an idea, but unfortunately I would need a very large tarp LOL. I'm just not sure how I would take the pictures.. Like I should take a picture of the water, then the person.. things such as that.. I really want to do this as a challenge for myself!
February 1st, 2012
use layers set up your camera on a tripod in front of the water you want to use and take a photo it move the camera back a way and get your subject to create the pose you want on the bank of the water (doing it like this means that the light will be at the correct angle , position and strength on both shots) and take another shot then in your prefered editing suite open up your picture of your subject and copy then close the picture, next open up the photo of the water and paste the subject picture as a new layer. resize and position this image so that the subject is in the middle of the water. Next go to Layers and create a new mask layer, on this new mask layer use a black brush and start brushing out all the bits that you dont want from the subject photo, when its looking right click on the subject layer and copy then merge the layers together , paste the subject as a new layer (because you have already masked out the image the copy will also be masked out, flip the image and move the image just underneath the main subject to create the reflection, using a wave distortion give the image roughly the same wobble as the water, on this layer decrease the opacity to your desired setting and merge together, and there you go someone walking on the water
February 1st, 2012
you can also use the scissors tool or similar to snip around the subject before you copy or just delete the background first there are loads of ways to do it its just that this way is the quickest for me :D
February 1st, 2012
@asrai Thanks! I'll give this a try this weekend! Really hope I can do this lol
February 1st, 2012
forgot to say if you go over the image on the mask layer do not worry all you have to do is change the black brush to white and go over the mistake
February 2nd, 2012
@manek43509 ---- Hahahaha!!!! That would work. ;-)
February 2nd, 2012
@sdpace Your heathen ways just made my night!

... now I must abandon all these discussions to go get Dr Pepper...
February 2nd, 2012
or if you want to do it SOOC, just get a flat piece of perspex or cement brick or anything solid that will take a person's weight, really and prop it up so that it's sitting 1/2 to 1 inch below the water line. The shallow end of a pool would work. Then get someone to stand on it. Voila! Hmmm...I might try this myself soon...
February 2nd, 2012
@tabbycat Funny you said that! I thought about getting something to stand on in the water, but I don't have anything lol.
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