Help Please

February 14th, 2012
This afternoon I watched hundreds of starlings heading home to roost. They were flying straight at me and metres away suddenly turned to the right to head under a pub for the night. It was truly spectacular, They are creatures of habit and do this every evening. I am just starting to get off automatic so what would you all suggest? They fly so fast..... This is what I managed this afternoon.

February 14th, 2012
To capture moving things well, you need a fast shutter speed. Does your camera have a shutter priority mode?
February 14th, 2012
@beautifulthing It goes from 1 to 1/250
February 14th, 2012
Also this is just after sunset - this was taken on sunset setting so need to think about the light as well!
February 14th, 2012
What kind of camera do you have? If it's digital, I'm thinking there ought to be a higher shutter speed somehow available on it. 1/250 is on the lower end of what you would use to shoot outside - I have some really old vintage cams and they all go to at least 1/500. Hmm.
February 14th, 2012
Digital panasonic lumix FZ38 will have a look at instruction manual tomorrow it's on my other computer thanks for your help we were thinking with a tripod could maybe do it the other way - slow shutter and get starling trails??? Definitely need to get back and play with this though it all happens so quickly :oD
February 14th, 2012
According to this site, that cam is capable of shutter speeds of up to 1/2000, and possibly more:

Definitely worth getting your manual out and seeing what you need to do - good luck, and I think you have a great shot here so far! :)
February 15th, 2012
@beautifulthing Thank you so much! Will get studying I don't like online manuals I much prefer the paper in my hand but I will Do it and get back to the starlings :oD
February 15th, 2012
What about using continuous shooting? Some camera's have very fast captures.
February 15th, 2012
I'm not able to help much, I'm camera is very limited.. this is a shot I took from Brighton Pier last autumn, the birds were dipping and diving and it was wonderful.
Looking at it the only suggestion I could make is to get a bit further back maybe so that the camera has a little bit longer to capture them rather than having them whizz so close to the lens? Good luck!
February 15th, 2012
Did you use flash? If your flash fired your shutter speed would be limited to around 1/250 probably. I don't know much about scene modes, so my suggestion would be to work either in Shutter Priority or in Manual and not zoom in. This will let you have your lens wider open, allowing a faster shutter. Also don't be afraid to play with ISO settings. Forever I was terrified to bump mine up past 200, but once I started trying out different combos I found even with my older cameras I could go up to 800 without being disappointed.
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