Blending layers in photoshop?

February 15th, 2012
I recently learned that in photoshop there is an "auto-blend layers". So far I haven't noticed anything bad about the feature. I just started using layers in my editing. My question is: Is the auto blend layers feature good in your opinion or am I better off doing it some other way? If so whats the easiest way?
February 15th, 2012
Amazing. Didn't know that function. As far as i know there are several ways of doing things in Photoshop. Pick what is easier for you and fits best in what you are trying to do. I am going to play with that function later, if i notice anything, i will tell you.
February 15th, 2012
I'm not keen on it. But I'm a control freak.

This may be of help, at least to get your head around it:
Photoshop blend modes tutorial:
February 15th, 2012
Isn't auto-blend layers for focus stacking and panos? i.e. nothing to do with blend modes at all
February 15th, 2012
For example, this is a focus stack of 13 images combined using auto-blend layers in CS4 (overkill I know):

It might have other functionality though..? @jinximages
February 15th, 2012
@jinximages Thank you for the link it helped a lot.
February 15th, 2012
@dieter I am still getting the hang of photoshop. I was messing around with my photos and started using it.
February 16th, 2012
@dieter I thought that was auto-merge. I could be wrong.
February 16th, 2012
Yep, auto blend layers is for doing focus stacking. I use it if I take a macro of a flower and want the whole thing in focus. Take one shot of the near side, one of the middle, one of the far side, then let photoshop blend them together - it works out which bits are sharpest in each layer and creates a mask for each layer. Result is usually a good sharp image front to back.

Do NOT use it if you've added adjustment layers and so forth. Usually if anything you just want to merge visible layers. or if you have an adjustment layer you want to apply to an area of your image, say the sky, create a mask and use a black or white brush to paint in where you want the effect to go. PS won't know.

If you use auto blend layers, you should first use auto align layers to make sure the layers are aligned before you let PS start trying to blend them. I don't think it works if you don't autoalign first
February 16th, 2012
@jinximages auto-something... I was on my phone so couldn't check

@mikew good point re auto-align. It makes a spectacular mess if you forget that bit :)
February 16th, 2012
@christabug layers and layer masks are the heart and soul of Photoshop, looks like Jinx's tutorial is a pretty good place to start :) @jinximages
February 16th, 2012
@mikew Thank you for clearing that up for me. I guess I was confusing it with something else.
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