looking for help re downloading

February 20th, 2012
Hi. I'm after some suggestions as to what has happened twice when transferring from camera to computer. I use mac Mini and this problem has happened twice recently with the Nikon Coolpix I always have in my bag. Have been using digitals for over ten years and never had it before, either with point and shoots or DSLR.

I had taken five or six photos when out the other day, came home and transferred them to iPhoto. Deleted from camera as is my usual practice. Chose one, cropped it and saved the series.

When I went to use on on Project 365 it would not load. After a bit of fiddling, I found that while I could duplicate it, the details said there were 0 kb to transfer. This is the second time it has happened and each time to just one photo.

So what has happened? Any ideas and how can I avoid it in the future? Thanks for ideas.
February 20th, 2012
No idea as such, but my route is usually:
1: Using the Nikon software download - and create a backup (an automatic option in Nikon's software)
2: Then, transfer to iPhoto (though now I've started using Lightroom, but same workflow)

Also, I tend not to delete from the card; but to wait till the card(s!) are full & then reformat them, when I've double & triple checked they're all definitely on the camera ...

As for the iPhoto specific question, what hints have you had from the iPhoto forums on Apple's site?
February 20th, 2012
I'm not very technical, but 0kb sounds like there isn't any data to upload. Somewhere between getting the data into your computer and uploading to 365 the data's getting lost. Are you accidentally deleting the file while retaining its name?
February 20th, 2012
Have you tried looking in the the iPhoto library folder?
You'll need to locate it (search if you're not sure!) - then, rather than opening it, in Finder click & select 'open package contents'
There should be a folder called 'originals' in there - which has the original images.

You're not meant to do anything with this folder - but I'd be inclined to copy the image, save it to your desktop & reimport.

http://www.fatcatsoftware.com/iplm/Documentation/iPLM/pgs/libraryfolder.html - tells you what's in all those folders lurking in iPhoto's library.
February 20th, 2012
Mm yes, my Nikon Coolpix sometimes shows 0KB of data in the folder once it's been transferred to my computer. I haven't had any problems with the files though. If you can open them OK on your pc, I'd do that, and save under a different file name and see if that helps.

I've had a series of Nikon Coolpixes but I'm beginning to think that I might try a different camera next time.
February 20th, 2012
@timandelke @carmel @emmadw Thanks for answers and will try searching etc later today. I run Safari, not Lion, latest version whatever it is. The picture is 0 kb on my computer, before I try any uploading it to 365, blog etc. However, I made a duplicate which also shows as 0 KB and can edit and crop that. Just can't do anything else! I transfer straight from USB and cable is brand new.

Will continue later. Thanks all.
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