Lenses for the IPhone

March 3rd, 2012
Hi, I'm quite new and still learning so much from all you guys here at 365.
I have just bought some lenses for the IPhone 4s and wondered if anyone else had them and had some tips for me?
Would love some tips on how best to use the fisheye lenses, especially as i have never used them before.
Any help, advice and tips would be greatly appreciated.

I took a shot of my 'new toys' yesterday, see link.

Thankyou in advance :0)

March 3rd, 2012
had no idea you could get physical attachments to the lens - very interested in any reponses. where did you get them?
March 3rd, 2012
@lizzy_lu123 ooh, cool! they look like they pass the practicality test with flying colours. Also, what Leigh said. Nifty :)
March 3rd, 2012
lenses for iPhone? Holy crap. I must look into this.
March 3rd, 2012
I have exactly these ones and i love them! I find the fish-eye lens easiest to use and love the effects it creates (though I'm nmot sure if I'm using it right - i tend to see how a shot looks on the phone and if it looks like it needs a little something extra, pop on the fish-eye and hope for the best - bit like this

The macro lens is really good too but theres a really short range that you can use it in - it kinda goes - not in focus not in focus not in focus IN FOCUS not in focus as you move it in to the subject if that makes sense? Still it too can get some great results :)
i haven't done much experimenting with the wide-angle lens yet, mainly because it took me a while to realise that you had to unscrew the macro from the other lens (duh) but it does really extend the range and how much you can capture - i think it would be great for landscapes - I've been using it coupled with the 360 app that makes panoramas which works quite nicely :D
Hope you have lots of fun with them I've been loving mine :D
March 3rd, 2012
Ooooh just saw that you got a telephoto lens - i didn't get one of them :O i feel cheated lol :D
March 3rd, 2012
Agree with Corrigan - I just started using mine as well, so I don't have a lot of experience. The macro is incredibly good - you do have to be on top of what you're photographing, but the detail is unbelievable. The focus does move in and out and if you're off angle it's hard to see the focus on the iPhone screen; my macro shots are often blurry as a result - but that's all technique-related. The wide angle is probably my favorite since it gives you a great range, and the fish eye is fun for distorting people/animals (the latter tend to be better sports about the whole thing). Have fun with it!!!
March 3rd, 2012
I use the olloclip system myself. I'm not an expert by any means, but here are some of the ways I've used mine:

March 3rd, 2012
@leigh7900 i got mine from ebay - I got the macro, the wide-angle and the fisheye for around £15 - definitely worth the money in my opinion :)
March 3rd, 2012
I have the Olloclip lense too - my post yesterday was using the Macro lense, same for the one I will be posting later but agree with the comments made - the Macro takes time getting used to, and I am yet to really play around with the fish eye so will be looking forward to seeing your experiments! Enjoy - They are good fun though!
March 3rd, 2012
Wow, thanks guys your all incredible, thanks for all the hints and tips!
@leigh7900 Hiya, got mine off eBay, was about £30 for all of them.
@dieter Yea they are pretty cool, I'm still trying them out at the mo.
@cluvlj Yea you should get some, they are wicked! :0)
March 3rd, 2012
@yearofcorrigan Wow, cool shot. I like the look of the fisheye, but the biggest lense falls off after a bit. Am I putting it on wrong?

I have been playing with the macro lense today as the weather is awful. Yea I had to be right ontop of the object and I struggled with focus. Prob was not a good idea to shoot a ladybird as it kept moving lol! But was impressed with the outcomes. Think I need practice! Lol

So far I am pretty impressed with them. I will post my pic shortly, see what you guys think.

Thanks for the advice! Appreciate it.
March 3rd, 2012
@beachradish Yea I struggled to get focus, but was impressed with the results. Not played with the wide angle yet, but looking forward to it.
The fisheye is definitely fun! I love how it distorts the subject.

You have some fab shots. :0)

Thankyou very much for the tips :0)
March 3rd, 2012
@laurawheeler Very cool shots, thanks so much for sharing.
I looked at the ollo clip, but because I live in the uk was harder to get hold of, and slightly more expensive.
How do you find it? Is it easy to use?

Thanks for the info and posting your photos they are fab!
March 3rd, 2012
@yearofcorrigan Sorry you feel cheated lol! I had to pay extra for it though. :9)
March 3rd, 2012
I have an olloclip and i love it.

fish eye lens


wide angle

just noticed they are all flowers!! i will try harder next time!
March 3rd, 2012
@bec01 Amazing shots! Love the fisheye shot, plus gerberas are my favourite flower! :O)
I am not too sure what is best to take a shot of with the fisheye, but seeing your flowers has got me thinking.

Thanks for posting, there are amazing.
March 3rd, 2012
Here is my first shot using the macro lense.... be kind!

March 3rd, 2012
This is phenomenal!!!! Love the color and detail. You can almost hear him munching!
March 4th, 2012
cool never knew these existed. How do they attach?
March 4th, 2012
@pj29 It has a magnet attached to the lens, then u stick a small metal ring around the iPhone camera and Ta da! :0)
You should get some, they are pretty awesome!
March 4th, 2012
@bec01 Had a go at the wide lense today, tried a few shots of various objects/items then tried to do one similar to yours, but to no avail.
Can't seem to use this one right.

Any tips?

March 4th, 2012
@lizzy_lu123 Heya - i had problems with mine falling off for a while but it was because i hadn't secured the metal ring (that sits around the iPhone camera) securely enough and the lens and ring was coming off - once I had restock the wee ring and left it sitting under a pile of books for about a day it was truly fixed and now the lenses stay on perfectly - unless they get knocked. How are yours attached?
March 4th, 2012
@yearofcorrigan Yea still struggling with them falling off, but have a case and have glued the ring on today, and is currently under a pile of books lol. Hopefully that will work lol.
It was ok, until I used the big fish eye lens then it just kept coming clean off.

Hopefully all sorted now. :0)

But they are cool!
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