How do I edit photos like this?

March 18th, 2012

I want to edit and make my photos look like those above. I know how to use photoshop. so yeah, any tips on how to create those effect?
March 18th, 2012
Desaturate about 50%
Darken with a levels or curves layer
Maybe add a vignette.

March 18th, 2012
For the second one I would say try add adjustment layer> gradient map, then use something like pink-to-white, blue-to-white, whatever and setting the layer mode to luminosity, screen, darken (or whatever works with that image) then adjusting in hue/saturation the saturation and lightness of your base layer.
March 18th, 2012
Plenty of hairspray!
March 18th, 2012
1. Get girl.
2. Get hair and/or sunglasses.
3. Tell girl to look down.
4. Take picture.

IMPORTANT: Do not show girl face in picture.

First: I can only guess. Increase the contrast, desaturate a little, and add a vignette... But it looks like there is also something else -- there's a bit of red in the shadows, and some blue everywhere else. Probably a solid red adjustment layer set to Exclusion at about 5-10% opacity. That's a shot in the dark.

Second: A solid white adjustment layer (or another light color to give the shadows a bit more lovin'), set to screen, with probably a small increase in saturation. Maybe a curves adjustment to increase your highlights. A gradient map would work well too, probably set to screen or overlay, depending on the colors you choose.

Third: This looks like pretty standard cross processing -- yellow tint, blue shadows. Use the google machine to find a few actions, and load them into Photoshop. Or find some tutorials, and make your own actions or presets. Tinker around with it. You'll figure it out.

Keep in mind these are all subject to change based on the original picture. Some processes work well with some photos, others do not. It's an art.
March 18th, 2012
Cross Process on Picnik and fadee
March 18th, 2012
i got this vintage technique from a website years ago, cannot remember for the life of me what website it was! :( but am eternally grateful!

but basically, open your photo file in photoshop, duplicate the layer twice. set the middle layer to soft light, and third layer to exclusion. Brush the entire exclusion layer with this colour #1a174c and you should be good to go, maybe play with curves a little if it's too dark? I guess you can experiment with other colours but that was the one given on the website.
March 18th, 2012
You could play around with these 50 free PS Actions; quick and easy and some really nice retro ones in there.
Just download and drag into you PS Actions folder
March 18th, 2012
Also, there are some PS actions that mimic instagram. Here:

They might be handy.
March 19th, 2012
@jenirainbow Good one!
March 22nd, 2012
My iPhone takes great photos, but they upload do I edit PLEASE HELP!
March 22nd, 2012
@gurry lol, was just thinking the same, then scrolled down to your comment.
But as others have said reduce overall saturation add gradient with slight colour saturation.
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