How To Post (non-Project) Photos...?!?

March 24th, 2012
I have searched through the discussion threads and read the getting started tips but cannot seem to find an answer to my question which is this:
For my daily project photo posts, I always take a new photo everyday to share. However, for some of the challenges and threads, I would like to use a previously taken (older) photo and just cannot firgure out how to post those! Do they HAVE to be photos used in my project in order to be able to share on a thread and if not, then how the heck do I share it?! Obviously, there is a "share" button on my project page to copy & paste the link to, but if it is an old image on my computer or memory card, HOW DO I SHARE IT in a thread??!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
March 24th, 2012
For the challenges, I think they have to be part of your project. But for other general discussion threads you can link off site for any other threads, e.g. from Facebook or Flickr by posting the url into the thread. If you click the 'how can I format my reply' under the reply box in the thread, a list of formatting tags appear.
March 24th, 2012 the very first one listed under "how can I format my reply?" is the link one...let me try...(and thanks!) i am soooo non-technical! (obviously!)
March 24th, 2012
The only way I have found is by putting links to my Facebook albums as if you paste the links in it lets people who you aren't friends with on Facebook view only the album you have provided a link for. Hope that helps.
March 24th, 2012
@lauriez - yes, and the second one is the image itself to appear as a pic rather than a link, but I can never get it to work!! (I'm about as techy as you!)
March 24th, 2012
March 24th, 2012
hmmm, well above you will see my attempt at formatting it as an actual photo you can see from a Facebook album photo...isn't working, is it? All I can "see" is a tiny box within a box, with a red X in it...doesn't even show when I right click on "show picture"...
grrrr....and duh...?!
March 24th, 2012
The only way i can see around this is if you become an 'Ace' member you get 3 albums. If you make one of those albums for challenges / discussion threads you could upload your non 365 photos to it and then add them to the threads from there. With discussion threads dates taken don't generally matter unless this is mentioned, but for challenges I know the photo has to have been taken and uploaded within a specified time frame. Hope this helps.
March 24th, 2012
It depends on how good your coding is - I've posted linked in Flickr pictures into discussions (mostly because I'm not ace and we were comparing shots). I do it by posting the code for one of my shots into the box, the way I'd normally share, then change all the image code [ img ] to the code for the image I want to share.
March 24th, 2012
I host pictures in my own domain, and then post them here using an img HTML tag.
March 24th, 2012
I've posted pictures from Photobucket using the HTML code for a picture.
March 25th, 2012
thanks for everyones suggestions & info, I really apprieciate your time & sharing spirit! I will keep messing with it, but am pretty resigned to the fact that as a "basic" member, I will have to use just project uploaded pix...which, honestly, is ok by me, since the purpose of my participation here (and of the "challenges", duh!) is to challenge myself more to shoot creative fresh images instead of just relying on my backstock of photos to use where I see fit, right?! Right! Happy weekend shooting to all! :)
March 25th, 2012
Some challenges require the photo be taken in a set time period but for others and discussions you can post it to your album but use a previous year or the month before you actually started your project.
March 25th, 2012
@lauriez Photos directly from Facebook won't work. You have to copy them to another host such as Flickr or Photobucket and use the code from there.
March 25th, 2012
@ladyjane ok thanks for that tip! what about pix which are in a folder on my laptop? or on a disc or other media? do i have to do the same thing with those in order to post on here?
March 25th, 2012
@lauriez Yes.
March 25th, 2012
You can also use dates from before your actual project started
March 25th, 2012
that's what I do...put a date on it from before the photo challenge started...usually the actual date it was taken.
March 25th, 2012
@lauriez just create a flickr or 500px account and link back there if u dont wont the Ace membership. flickr is 300 meg/month (free) I generally upload to 3 spots, but if I need a challenge photo I will upload to second album. I stopped maintaining daily images in second album as it was too much work.
March 25th, 2012
Any link you use will have to be on-line pictures, not from your laptop or home computer. Anything you want to share will have to be uploaded to the internet, somewhere on-line - either here or another account. I've got pro membership of Flickr through my isp, so I tend to use that, but there are loads of places with photo-sharing for free.
March 25th, 2012
thanks everyone! I DO have both flickr & picasa accounts, so if I ever want to do a challenge that is not date specific, i will try to upload from those. I finally got my question ansered about uploadiing form my laptop,which is not possible(or Facebook either it seems) Again, I SO apprieciate all of your helpful comments & info! :)
March 25th, 2012
Just so you know, what your are talking about it what all the file sharing hub bub is about like limewire or pirate bay, if you've heard of those. People have files on their computer and make them available to other on the internet with a special add on.....nothing wrong if it's not copyrighted as far as the law is concerned but I don't like having people I don't know access my computer....kinda like strangers coming into my home.

You can upload photos as far back as 2009 I believe on here. Right now , you can view all the photos in your album without a problem. Before and I'm sure in the future you will be only able to view your last 365 shots if you are a basic member...If you have photos you want to post to a discussion then put them way way back in your album somewhere you can find them. Theme shots typically require that they be taken in a specific time period. I'm sure it wouldn't be a big deal if you put them on a different date and made sure to put in the comments "to check the EXIF" so that the judge can see that the photo was actually taken in the correct period. (If you don't know what I am talking about, go to one of your photos and look on the right hand side of the screen, you will see EXIF in blue, click on it!)

If you have someplace else you store them online i.e. Flickr then you can do that too....if you see an image online that you want to post,even if it's not yours (I've had a few friends bomb my threads in the past!) under the format reply link, that is where it tells you how to do it.

Holding ctrl and clicking on the link will open it in a new tab or the mouse wheel on your mouse if you have one (cmnd and click for mac's)

The a href link is how you make the blue text than links you to a webpage like this.

the img src is how you put photo from somewhere else on the web into a discussion here.

the others are self explanatory....however you do need to type it just as you see it to make it bold etc. Typing w/o the spaces would make this work < b>bold< /b>

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