Save your favourite Picnik textures

April 10th, 2012
Just a quick note in passing for the Picnik users among you...

I've started using Picmonkey which is almost the same as Picnik (two of Picnik's developers work for Picmonkey) but it has different textures. However, in Picmonkey you have the option of using your own textures. I have none of these myself, and I don't fancy trying to take some, BUT what I HAVE done is to upload a blank jpg to Picnik, save my favourite textures onto it (one by one) then save them as a jpg on my laptop. This way I'll still be able to upload my favourite textures from Picnik into Picmonkey after Picnik closes on the 19th of April.

Just thought I'd share the idea x

(@psychographer - tagging you in here just incase you miss it, and 'cause I know you've done the transfer to the monkeys too!)
April 10th, 2012
@lluniau, THIS MAY SEEM LIKE A DUMB QUESTION, BUT i AM A BEGINNER.....HOW DO YOU UPLOAD A BLANK jpg to picknic? in other words how do i get the blank to begin with? What is the process? I AM A LITTLE CONFUSED ;(
April 10th, 2012
April 10th, 2012
@psychographer just in case the tag in the above topic didn't tag ya....
April 10th, 2012
That, my friend, is a stroke of genius!
I'm gonna miss Picnik :(
April 10th, 2012
@shirljess I don't know how it *should* be done but I just opened a new Paint folder and saved it as a jpg (called it blank.jpg so I knew where to find it). I then uploaded blank.jpg into Picnik and applied my favourite texture. Then I saved as Texture1.jpg so that everytime I want to use my old favourite from Picnik I'll be able to upload it within Picmonkey :)

@shadesofgrey Thanks. Is that because of the "("?

@charlotteee333 Glad you think so :)
April 10th, 2012
@lluniau .. This is where i will drive you nuts as now I have no clue where to open a paint folder???? Maybe thisis beyond my experience? Are you ding this from a program like CS5 or something similar?
April 10th, 2012
@shirljess Nope just a normal bogstandard laptop. I don't own any fancy software! Do you not have a program called paint? (I think it comes as a windows standard.
April 10th, 2012
Hmm, I will have to ck that out.. Ok, so if I do have PAINT, then is it pretty easy figure it out? I am at work right now,so czan't look to see what my computer has... I bet i do have it as I have windows 7.
April 10th, 2012
@shirljess Yup, you basically just open it up and hit save. Job done :)
I bet you have it too - I have windows 7. It'll be under "Accessories"
Good luck! x
April 10th, 2012
Ok, we own a Ford delaership and I just have windows office on this computer and yes, I see paint.. so i am postive I would have it on my home as well. I will try and open a new folder right now and save it blank as jpg. Thaks for all your help!
April 10th, 2012
@shirljess I went here and followed the instructions.
April 10th, 2012
@lluniau No, at least I don't think so....... I know that you have to have a space on either side of the @ name to make it show up in the bubbles but for some reason the notifications thing doesn't register in a discussion thread starter. The site is programmed to add a space whe you click the blue reply @, and it inserts it into the text box, but sometimes that gets deleted by whichever user happens to be doing the typing, so no notification is sent.......I'm no techno whiz but it may have something to do with the fact that you can use html language here that you can't in photo comments so the computer ignores the intent to send a notification....just a guess, but either way it helps to tag in a comment to make sure they get it!
April 10th, 2012
fab thanks for that, was going to miss my space edits but now i'll have them and it will make me learn how to do layers
April 10th, 2012
@lluniau thanks so much for the tip! It's going to come in real handy!
April 10th, 2012
@shadesofgrey Thanks guys :o) Great idea Elin. I might need a small child to give me a hand with it though ;o) I'm loving the differences in picmonkey and after being distraught that picnik were going I'm now enjoying fiddling with my photos again. I'm also looking forward to picmonkey bringing out all sorts of new effects. I can't wait for the collage to turn up xx
April 10th, 2012
@lluniau this sounds fab, but does anyone know how to make a blank jpeg on a mac please?
April 13th, 2012
@lluniau Thanks for that Elin, I havent used picnik much and would like to grab some textures before it goes, I just had a look but cant find where the textures are, I must be missing something....dumb question, but where are they?? Thanks
April 13th, 2012
it is under effects/textures
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