
April 21st, 2012
Hey everyone,

Well im pretty busy these days with my work and all.You know one of those days you just want to do Nothing!.....

Ok, so that's not the topic.The thing is im planing to increase my Cam accessories.I want a High speed Flash, telephoto lens & portrait lens. So this is what i was thinking to buy.

Flash: Nikon SB 700.
TelePhoto: Tamron 70-300 zoom macro lens.
Portrait: Nikon 35mm lens.

So if you guys have one of these things please tell me if it's ok.Are they good, should i buy it?
Thanks you guys ^_^
April 22nd, 2012
Here is a good portrait lens guide by Ken Rockwell -
April 22nd, 2012
Hmmm, the only problem I see is that your choices appear to favor Nikon instead of Canon... :)
April 22nd, 2012
For a flash i would look into the di 866 mk.II It has all the features of the Nikon SB900 (so more features and more powerful than the 700) and it's only about $350 so it's a great deal. And my favorite part is you can learn to use it in about two minutes without the instruction book. Personally i have two and love them.

Also for a portrait lens if you don't have one i'd recommend a 50 1.8 or 1.4 before a 35.
April 22nd, 2012
I have a 50mm 1.4 as my portrait lens and it's awesome, but costs about twice as much as the 1.8. I use the big Tamron (18 to 270) as a walkaround lens...It's not the sharpest tool in the shed but it saves carrying extra lenses.
April 22nd, 2012
@rhubbard thanks alot..
@grizzlysghost ya cause i use Nikon :D
@natew214 the thing is here in Saudi Arabia, you can't find many options.We only have Sigma's, Nikon & Canon flashes.
@swilde 50 is good & yes Tamron 18-270 is ideal lens.Ya i was thinking to buy that one....
Thanks you guys
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