How to pose in an old cinema?

April 30th, 2012
Hey guys!:)
So...tomorrow I'm going to a photoshoot that will take place in an old cinema.This guy(that I already know)asked on Facebook who wants to be photographed and I offered.Now I don't really know how to dress and how to pose,because the place is kind of ..special.Here's a photo with it:
Do you have any advice please?
April 30th, 2012
@michellina just based on this picture of strong red and green tones, I'm thinking of a shot where you're sitting on one bench, wearing bright yellow shirt. That would pop :)

I think the place calls for overstatement in what you wear (bright clothes, accessories, some mad hairdo, full on makeup) and how you pose ... I think it would bring some contrast to the setting. But, maybe the photog has other ideas and you definitely should ask what the guy has in mind! How about props, popcorn and Coca-cola & 3D goggles .... :-)
April 30th, 2012
I would ask the photog as he should have some idea of the story he wants to explain in his photos. That will help with what you wear and how you pose.

Now if it was me I would put you in crazy clothes or a business suit. Maybe a dancing outfit where you can dance in front of the crowd. :)
April 30th, 2012
I agree with the 'what to wear' - it really has to be bright and probably Yellow/Orange. - Maybe a big yellow hat?
As for how to pose? the light will be strong from the side, so most shots will be taken from the front of the auditorium, or at an angle. I would ask you to imagine that your relative had just graduated, or won some kind of award, and shoot you r expressions from an angle with you half standing, hands clapping looking extatic.. that might work.
April 30th, 2012
P.S. - take a friend, unless you really do know him, other than on facebook! better safe than sorry
April 30th, 2012
@robinmersh I've been to a shooting with him some time ago.A friend of mine was being photographed,and she took me with her,and I ended up being photographed a little too
April 30th, 2012
I would take a bunch of outfits so you and your friend can 'play' - from wedding dresses to red on red ensembles - to eye-popping colours. Maybe something retro, lace and cream and an umbrella - actually almost anything will work if seen from the right angle and light and composed well. Have fun. ;)
April 30th, 2012
dress up like an animal.. or a tree ...but make it obvious that you have a human face,
nature taking back the cinema so to speak....
April 30th, 2012
Please show us a photo after the shoot! :)
April 30th, 2012
@rockinrobyn I'll upload some of them here,I promise!:)
April 30th, 2012
@thebluegnu @robinmersh @agima @janmaki I'll look for sth yellow in my clothes..
When it comes to some crazy outfits,I don't really think I have them.Tonight I'll try to see what I can
btw,thanks for your advice

Aaaaand.In case I don't find sth yellow,a colourfull skirt and a white shirt it's too simple?With some accessories,of course
April 30th, 2012
@michellina Try to find some dress/clothing in a second hand store for cheap (and if they know they are getting it back, you might be able to get it for even less money)...if you don't want to keep it, you can always donate it back! I like Jani's theater prop ideas...3D glasses, etc. Maybe create a couple of characters, each with different outfits...the movie goer, the proud sibling (graduation theme) model with the big hair/makeup, business woman, well you get the idea. But if you have a few props and give in and go into the character, your photos will be even better...BE the person you are dressed as, it will translate to the photo.

I plugged it into Google translate, I hope this make sense!

Încercaţi să găsiţi unele rochie / de îmbrăcăminte într-un magazin de mâna a doua de ieftine (şi dacă ei ştiu că sunt o obtinerea înapoi, s-ar putea fi capabil să-l pentru bani chiar mai putin) ..., dacă nu doriţi să-l păstraţi, puteţi dona întotdeauna înapoi! Îmi plac ideile lui Jani teatru reface ... ochelari 3D, etc Poate crea o serie de personaje, fiecare cu diverse utilaje ... amator de film, frate mândru (temă de absolvire), modelul cu o femeie de afaceri de mare de par / machiaj,, bine ai idee. Dar, dacă aveţi o recuzită puţine şi să dea în şi du-te în caracter, fotografiile vor fi chiar mai bine ... fi persoana care sunt îmbrăcaţi ca, se va traduce la fotografie.
April 30th, 2012
@shadesofgrey hihi,I understood everything in english,thanks a lot for translating it,anyway.(it's a mess in romanian,Google doesn't really do its job when it comes to translation).
I don't really have time for a second hand,they're probably closed at this hour,I will though go to see what my mom has in her wardrobe.Hope I'll have some luck
April 30th, 2012
@michellina Well I'll steer clear of google translate then! :) Don't forget to bug some friends and raid their closets too!
April 30th, 2012
so...he just told me to bring(beside what I want)a long black dress/skirt,a white/black tshirt and some long scarfs
May 2nd, 2012
@shadesofgrey @rockinrobyn @nikkers @robinmersh @agima @janmaki
Hello again dear friends..So,yesterday was the photoshooting.He had 2 ideas and I posed according to what he wanted.Firstly,I wore a long black dress,and I tried to be a romantic person,then one a little more dramatic,sad,something like a widow.
Secondly,he tried to make some photos that were a little unrealistic.I dresses as a crazy person(I was wearing a white robe) and I was kind of hugging me,like a crazy person does when he/she kind of has his/her hands tied.Then I had some awkward things in my hands,that showed a person incapacity to do anything when he/she doesn't have hands.And in other photos I was pretending to fly..
It was something out of the ordinary but I had fun while doing them.Not to mention that I am a little shy in front of the camera and in this way I tried to open myself more.He'll give them all on a DVD these days
Before I left he took 2-3 photos more in an old builing that was's one of them:
May 2nd, 2012
Thanks for the update...looking forward to seeing the rest of the photos!
May 3rd, 2012
You look perfectly relaxed in this shot - like you're enjoying it, so whatever you were doing beforehand, this is good modelling!
May 9th, 2012
@shadesofgrey @robinmersh here's another one..I got the DVD with all of them today.I'll upload them today.
May 9th, 2012
Thanks for the update! :)
May 10th, 2012
@michellina Great Pose - I love the repeated X shapes of your arms and legs
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