Attention Pin-hole People & Camera Experts

May 11th, 2012
For part of a homework project, I am making a pin-hole lens for my 7D. So far, I've got a pretty good version - focus is soft, but image is nicely defined. The focus is really even from corner to corner. There is not an area that is more defined, softening out to the edges.

And ideas on how I could create this effect? Would it make a difference if I move the pin-hole slightly off-center? I will experiment with this, but won't be able to until tonight, so I thought I'd put the topic out there for the day to percolate and see what advice all y'alls have.

Loving this experiment!
May 11th, 2012
I am assuming you are using a body cap for your "lens"?

Maybe try putting a pinhole in a piece of aluminum and then taping that over as the lens...if you make a perfect pinhole i.e. drill a hole in a body cap or otherwise use a machine to make'll get more precise and even it by hand and you should get a softer uneven feel or view. also experiment with materials like thin cardboard, paper (different colors), metals, saran wrap over the pinholes, colored saran nauseum.

Follow the link for the matchbox pinhole to see what I am talking about if I'm not making any sense!
May 11th, 2012
@shadesofgrey You're totally making sense, thanks!

I did the body cap/soda can lens. The hole in the body cap is about...hmmm...I can just stick the tip of my pinky finger through it. I used just the tip of a sewing needle for the hole in the soda can, then sanded, then poked, then sanded, the poked, etc. Maybe I made it too precisely...I will try a couple of other materials and maybe play with not making it too perfect to see if that helps throw the focus a little. I'll check out the link, too. Thank you!
May 12th, 2012
The pinhole should just be big enough to stick the very tipity tip top of the needle through...if you hold it up to the light, and squint with one eye (seriously) you should just be able to make some light out through it... You will probably need to make your exposure a few seconds if you set your ISO to 200...mine came out on ASA (ISO) 200 film anywhere between 3 seconds and 10 hours depending on the light!
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