Please Help!!

June 3rd, 2012
My husband's cousin is getting married in August. She has asked me to be the photographer. I accepted BUT told her that I've never shot a wedding before. She said that's fine and she has confidence that I'll do a great job (sigh).

This is going to be a big wedding and I'm a little nervous. I'm looking for a good flash to go on my camera because the wedding is at night and inside and I will also be covering the reception. PLEASE give me any suggestions!! (books I could read about this, flashes that are good, tips & techniques, etc)

Thanks in advance!!
June 3rd, 2012
Hi Brandy. I guess a lot depends on how much you want to spend. I shoot with Nikon as well, and I use the Nikon SB-900 which where I live costs about $500 new. They have an SB-700 model which is very good as well and is a few hundred less. I'm sure there may be other brands that will fit the Nikon that may be less costly. The one thing I would suggest if you're investing in a good flash is that you also get a flash bracket that allows you to get the flash further from the lens (reducing red-eye) and also gives you the ability to rotate the flash sideways for both vertical and horizontal shooting
June 3rd, 2012
@jcarrollphoto Thank you!! I saw a couple of flash brackets when I was looking and I wasn't sure what they were for. :)
June 3rd, 2012
I am sure you will do a fantastic job, but if you feel under pressure why not ask a good photographer friend to be your assistant and take pics too, that way you will double up the pics and have more choice for your cousins album. :-)
June 3rd, 2012
@hagscat That's a good idea! Unfortunately, most of my photographer friends are out of town. :(
June 4th, 2012
@shadesofgrey Thanks!! I'm checking it out now!
June 4th, 2012
Some tips:

1. Follow the groom
(This is her most important day, and so make sure you get plenty of shots of her)

2. Less means more
(Shoot details (rings, shoes, flowers), they are all important little reminders of how good that moment was)

3. Find out more
(The more you get to know the newly weds, the better shots you will get. I know quite a few successful wedding photographers who have gotten great shots becaus they found the interests of the couple, and were able to encorperate them into the shots. For example, find their favorite place, activities and more.)

4. High ISO is key
(Sometimes a flash will not be allowed, or, it could be plain out disruptive. Use a high ISO to get as much light in the shot with out using a flash.

5. Capture emotion
(The key to good wedding photos, and actually all portraiture for that matter, is to show emotions. Capture the feelings of everyone there, bot just the couple. It makes the photo a lot better)

As for flash, I am not the expert. Try looking at the Digitial Photography School website. They give reviews on equiptment, tips and techniques, and so much more. I hope I helped! Have fun!

JC Vogt
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