How much trouble is it to bring a DSLR on a plane?

June 7th, 2012
I'm going on a trip to Cancun in 10 days and I want to bring it, but when I checked out the TSA site, it sounds like I risk my beloved Canon being manhandled if it's in my carry-on OR being damaged if I try to pack it in my checked luggage. I can't stand the thought of only having my iPhone for pics. I'm not a frequent traveler so I'd appreciate any feedback from you guys. Thanking you in advance!
June 7th, 2012
I travel with my DSLR in my carry on all of the time. NEVER put it in your checked bag! And if they insist you check your carryon plane-side, pull your camera out and take it on the plane with you! Oh... and don't stash drugs in it.... that doesn't go so well. Or... so I've heard. :)
June 7th, 2012
Ditto what Aaron says! Carry on only :) oh, and no drugs. LOL
June 7th, 2012
I typically travel with my DSLR, two lenses, three spare batteries, the charger, a TON of CF cards, and a portable hard drive to backup the CF cards while I'm away. I've never had any issues with TSA either at home or abroad. Pack everything in your carry-on. Never, EVER pack camera gear in checked luggage. That includes everything needed to for the camera including your charger and USB cables if you will be uploading. Almost every place I've traveled is quite familiar with photography gear, so it's unusual to have issues with it.

One thing I do recommend is registering your camera gear with US Customs in your hometown before you leave. They will give you a receipt that shows all of your gear and the serial numbers. This eliminates any potential issues with US Customs on the return to the States if your camera gear looks new. (If the gear looks new and you get singled out for a customs inspection, they may challenge whether or not you purchased the gear overseas and attempt to charge an import duty. I've only had that happen once with a brand-spanking new 40D on its maiden voyage, but my Customs receipt eliminated the issue immediately.)
June 7th, 2012
Totally agree with @grizzlysghost. I've never had a problem with bringing it in my carry on - they never touched it. I would add that you should be careful with your camera on the beach. I'm always paranoid to go in the water with my camera left behind on the beach. My friend caught a girl trying to steal a guys stuff in Hawaii last week - she claimed it was her friends bag which it wasn't.
June 7th, 2012
One other note regarding the risk of having carry-on luggage checked at the gate. Wheeled carry-ons run a much higher risk of being gate checked since they take up more rack space. My camera gear goes in a small EMS duffel that fits under the seat in front of me. That way, my gear is always in my line of sight and the risk of them wanting to check it at the gate is near zero.
June 7th, 2012
@chriswang our camera got stolen in Hawaii on the beach many moons ago. Oh, so I booked Argentina from Feb 21st to March 4th and so far have 2 days planned in Colonia, Uruguay. Want to spend the last couple of days in BA, but have about four days in the middle where we are open to going somewhere cool on the overnight bus. Do you and Lili have any awesome recommendations?
June 7th, 2012
Wow, great info from all of you! I've been stressing about this issue, trying to resign myself to the fact that I'd have to leave it behind, but if you knew me, you'd know that when I'd return, I'd say, "the trip was fabulous but it totally sucked that I didn't have my camera!" Sending a virtual hug to all of you for helping me! I KNEW I'd get a quick response from you! HUGS ALL AROUND! :))))) By the way, the only drug I'll have on my person will be Xanax. (I don't fly "well".) And it will already be working it's magic by the time I get to the airport! WHEEEEEEE!!!! Thx again!!!!!
June 7th, 2012
@grizzlysghost @kannafoot @chriswang I'm sorry, I just realized that I was suppose to click "reply" to you guys. Please see my note above! Meant it heart and soul! Thanks again!
June 7th, 2012
@brumbe I'm spending a semester in Uruguay right now and I can tell you that all up the coast is absolutely beautiful beaches during the summer (unfortunately it's pretty cold right now). Colonia is fantastic, but if you have the time, Montevideo is worth a look (if you're interested in beaches: Pocitos or Buceo I think are the best) and then a little further up the northern coast (couple hour bus ride) is Punta del Este, which is an awesome little peninsula with beaches on both sides and a hopping (but small) center town with shops and a famous casino and what not. Then a few hours north of that is a beach called Punta del Diablo which is a totally different scene but absolutely beautiful. Wonderful beaches and a totally relaxed atmosphere. I'd love to give you more information if you're interested :)

Oh, and definitely check out Buenos Aires; how can you not?!

@thendrix58 as for me and my camera, I've always just carried it on board and not had any problems. The only slip-up once was with a mini tripod but like they said above, pretty much everyone is familiar with camera gear nowadays. I'd say go for it! :)
June 7th, 2012
@ashmy Thanks Ashley, we are flying in and out of BA and Argentina is one of my dream vacations. I am trying to decide to go with the flow or over plan right now.
June 7th, 2012
I agree with the above. Also hang on to your memory cards, they tend to steal them at the airport while your stuff is going through the security X-ray.
June 7th, 2012
I flew all the way to Japan from the states with mine. I have an epiphanie bag that doubles as my purse just for occasion like this, that way I can still have a carry on.
June 7th, 2012
I just throw a camera bag inside a messenger bag and put it on the belt. I've never had a problem. I took it to Playa Paraiso (south of Cancun) last summer.
June 7th, 2012
Never had a problem. I've been to South Africa and the U.S.A with a pro camera (Nikon F5.)and lenses...and this was after 9/11 when everyone was on guard. ..just make sure you keep it with you at all times and you should be ok.
June 7th, 2012
@grizzlysghost Good point, as they are often cheaper to buy abroad anyway
June 7th, 2012
@38mm Haha, exactly Jase!
June 7th, 2012
I packed a DSLR, 3 lenses, a netbook and all the chargers from Sydney around the world for 95 days. Had it all in a backpack and carried it aboard 17 different departures. The gear weighed almost more than my check-in. Had no problem but decided afterwards to use a Lumix Superzoom, far less weight 8-)
June 7th, 2012
I carried mine on, in a looovely Porteen Gear bag, which has the added bonus of not looking like a camera back (less risk of being targeted by camera stealing naughty people).
June 7th, 2012
As all are saying, I travel with my DSLR, and not only the camera, a full bag with other things (objetive, flash...) and never tolda me anyting
Good trip!
June 7th, 2012
Last time I went OS took one digital plus 3 lenses and 4 film cameras in a camera backpack plus additional lenses. I usually put locks on it, so that they know they are inconveniencing me by asking me to open carry on baggage. I usually put film in an x-ray shielded bag inside. Coming home I had an additional 3 cameras I bought. The only thing they were interested in were cooking knives in checked in baggage. They laughed when I told them my interests were cooking and photography. Mind you I overpack.@thendrix58 Tango jealousy but would take time to see gauchos and pampas. Overplan and buy tickets online to see concerts, or go to soccer game. I have been to ballet in Paris, Opera in Munich and Switzerland, baseball at Arlington to see Yankees and Rangers, and music at Billy Bobs. @brumbe you two mean cameras don't you @grizzlysghost @38mm
June 7th, 2012
Yea i take mine in my carry on all the time! Would never put it in my case, ive seen how they throw those things around!

Carry on or strapped round your neck even, just as Aaron says, don't transit drugs lol!
June 7th, 2012
@peterdegraaff I have taken
the Oly Dslr to Japan, Costa Rica, and throughout the US on planes. It did not make it to Germany since I was going for Oktoberfest and I took the Canon bridge.

@thendrix58 realized I forgot to answer your question. I take apart the camera. Wrap the kit lenses and throw them in my checked bag along with filters, battery charger, thumb drive and card reader. I have my wide angle and macro and camera body in my general carry on. Have yet to have an issue. Oh if travel long in the US I also have my laptop which is more intriguing to TSA
June 7th, 2012
I've never had any problems bringing my DSLR on a plane. Granted I usually take it on a carry-on under my seat. Less chance of it getting broken, but have had zero issues with airport security.
June 7th, 2012
@brumbe In South America, btw, wear old clothes and avoid designer labels or goretex type labels. It just means money. Great story about a group of tourists kidnapped in South America. They left behind the Australian who was wearing old sandals. I also used a big safety pin on front pocket of jeans with wallet in it. The pickpocket went for front pocket on a crowded railway station. He hit the the safety pin and couldn't get past it. That's when I felt him. I looked into his eyes and gave him the "you're busted look." He took off as quick as he could.
June 7th, 2012
@peterdegraaff luckily I never wear fancy labels sine the clothing companies are not paying me. See Austrailans are smart as to not get stolen. I like the safety pin idea, especially since Ed wears baggy too big pants as it is. Oh and this just came in the mail yesterday. $29 USD
June 8th, 2012
@brumbe haha, I understand that. Both couldn't hurt. In fact, it might be best to get a general "what I'd like to do" idea but be prepared for some changes :)
June 8th, 2012
@brumbe Woohoo. Hope you take lots of wonderful photos from Mount Olympus
June 15th, 2012
I realise that i'm a little bit late to weigh in on this discussion but I do agree with everyone... hand carry all the way.

Also, if you're shooting in sunny places (especially the beach) then I recommend that you get yourself a polarising filter. If you feel flush with cash and can get it in time, maybe even a lee filter kit. I got the hard ND filters

From memory, this image was taken with the ND filter (2 or 3 stops i cant remember).. which makes the sky blue and brings back detail that would normally be blown out on a sunny day
June 16th, 2012
I had mine in my backpack and when going through custom i just took it out of the backpack and into the bucks. They didn't care at all. I had my camera, and lenses all with me.
June 27th, 2012
@thendrix58 I just got back from Mexico, stayed in Tulum but flew in and out of Cancun. Decided to bring my DSLR, two lenses and two compacts. This was the first time I brought a DSLR on a plane and it is beyond easy. Just get yourself a sturdy, well padded camera bag, stash your gear inside it and carry it on the plane. NEVER check your camera! Have fun and remember to get up early as the sunrises are magnificent there.
June 28th, 2012
@soboy5 I bought a LowPro Sling Camera Bag that was like a purse and camera bag in one! It worked out great but being a girl, it was heavy cuz I had alot of stuff in it for emergencies. :) There was even enough room for a jacket! Got it from Amazon and I have no regrets because I was able to keep my camera close to me at all times! (I'm not a morning person so I missed the sunrises but the sunsets were awesome! :)) Thanks for your input!
July 3rd, 2012
y D90 in my carry-on luggage. went through the Xray machines fine . No trouble at all.
Actually the last time I took all my camera gear through in my cheap amazon camera back pack .. a bargain at £10.00 Takes my gear , plus anorak plus sandwiches and drink when i'm out fro the day.
July 4th, 2012
@june Thanks so much for the feedback, June! I'm back from my trip and I didn't have any problems at all. My LowPro Sling Bag worked out great although I admit it felt a little heavy on my shoulders. BUT that's only because I had some much other stuff in it (my motion sickness crap, iPod, etc.) I do appreciate everyone's help and advice, though! Thanks again!
July 4th, 2012
Travel definitely can be stressful with an obviously DSLR camera bag. I travel all the time without my parents-I've been places like Costa Rica, CanCun, Japan, and Europe with my mom's Rebel and then my own-never had any issues beyond just feeling stressed carrying around a gajillion dollars in gear!

Oh, and as you pass through security? DEFINITELY grab it as soon as your bag gets out the side of the machine. That's really the only time where I ever felt like someone was close to being able to take my camera.
July 1st, 2015
Sorry to jump in so late but I was scrolling throught the net and I was wondering if someone could help me?
When going through security with a laptop and DSLR Camera + all accessories I know I have to take my laptop out for separate screening if not in a tsa approved bag but with my camera and accessories to I have to take them out of my carry on? Do I have to put the case through screening separately like my laptop? Or do I have to take every bit and every accessorie out and put it in the bin to be processed seperately?
So confused, new to this, frustrated 😊 please help?
July 21st, 2015
@missy97 No you shouldnt have to take your camera out. I've never had to take my camera or lenses out of my camera bag. I have a canon 5D3, 24-70, 70-200, 85mm, 2 x speedlights, filters, multiple batteries, cards, 5 triggers in my backpack and flown between London, Iceland and multiple locations in USA.
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