Taking pictures of kids...Ideas? THANKS!

June 8th, 2012
Hi everyone! I have been taking all kinds of different pictures lately. Usually I just photograph objects but I started doing kids like my brother and family friends ! I would like some people to post theirs so I can get some ideas!

Here is mine:

June 8th, 2012

My whole project is kids (pretty much)

June 8th, 2012
i don't often photos of my kids... this is one of my favorites...

June 8th, 2012
@mariboo Your pictures are absolutely amazing! I hope in my photography years I get as good as you! Thanks for posting!
June 8th, 2012
@northy I guess the trick is catching them at the right time! Thanks for posting!
June 8th, 2012
I find that candids are best with kids. They have a hard time sitting still! This was the best one, of many shots.

June 8th, 2012
My advice for shooting kids is don't pose them. Just lay low with your camera (become invisible) and shoot them. Shoot them at play, watching TV, getting ready for bed, anything at all really. Catch them doing what comes naturally and you'll get the most amazing pictures.
June 8th, 2012
when i am photographing my siblings, i try not to let them know im taking pictures, because the candid shots always turn out better....
June 8th, 2012
I agree. Kids are so fun. Just let them do their thing.
June 8th, 2012
I agree with @cromwell. Try not to pose the children and don't give too much directions, they will get bored FAST! I take a lot of pictures, mostly my children. Be silly, laugh and make it fun. I try to keep my finger on the shutter and my eye at the viewfinder 90%, that way you won't miss that special moment. Let them do what they like to do and you will get natural looking expressions :-)

June 8th, 2012
June 8th, 2012
June 8th, 2012
June 8th, 2012
June 8th, 2012
I agree with what @cromwell said. My girls are best when i catch them at play. My oldest is getting better at allowing me to photograph her but I don't pose her. She is just more willing to keep swinging or jumping or whatever so I can get the shot I want.
June 8th, 2012
If you care to travel all the way to Facebook, I have hundreds there :) Feel free to look me up: mommy.ultd@gmail.com
June 8th, 2012
But yea, catching them at play and messing with the point of view really makes for some fantastic kid shots...
June 8th, 2012
I have a two year old & I just let him do his stuff, sometimes I suggest things to him but usually I just sneak a shot in where I can
June 8th, 2012
@edie Very cool photo!
June 8th, 2012
I think kids are the best subjects... They are way less inhibited than adults and make the best expressions.

June 8th, 2012
Hi, This is how I make a living from children's portraiture.
June 8th, 2012
I just let mine go wild and move around constantly, always ready to click.

or sometimes actively suggest he do something, like say smell a flower:
June 8th, 2012
@alpeedee So beautiful.
June 8th, 2012
I agree with most of the comments. Become part of the children's environment and then just watch, the pictures will come to you :-)

And some kids will give you photo ops for a lifetime, because they NEVER grow up! My husband is like having another kid to photograph!LOL

June 8th, 2012
Agree... let the kids play about and get used to you being there with the camera. I love taking pictures whilst they are engrossed in something else.

June 8th, 2012
I take lots of photos of my children - but don't post many here as I feel they may be of interest just to me - but here is one that I posted recently - I like to shoot in natural light - posed or candid - it doesn't bother me too much - but I often convert to B and W!

June 8th, 2012
I have lots of photos with my children in my project.
Sometimes they accept to take the pose, but it is rare... :)
In general I try to take the shot when they don't "see" me... it's not easy... :o)

June 8th, 2012
With younger kids best to just let them be themselves, pose them and you end up with a shot like this:

and a stressful time. lol

Even older kids get bored with the posed shots lol:

You can get kids to pose butit's just more fun to capture them being themselves and most importantly it's all about making it fun for them. A huge majority of my project is photos of my two boys and even though I do still try to get the posed looks I also just catch the crazy too:

June 8th, 2012
I ask my little one to pose sometimes, but he gets bored fast and i always prefer the candid one's of him just being him..... =)

June 8th, 2012

June 8th, 2012

This is my latest. I take mega pictures of my kids...as that is what is most readily available to me as models, and they are so darn cute. I usually try for candidness of them doing the things they usually do. Sometimes if you ask them to pose or smile, they make funny un-natural faces.

Here is another one of my nephew. When taking close ups I always try to get the eye's nice and sharp. This lens is a Nikon 35mm 1.8 a fast sharp lens. A nifty 50 (50 mm lens is ideal for this kind of thing)

Action shots are always a good idea too! Good luck.
June 8th, 2012
@bluebell Hey, really love the whitespace of your bottom picture. Excellent.
June 8th, 2012
Child portraiture is my passion, my own kids are too. When having to pose kids for family shots, I keep it fun (I am known to pull out funny masks and props to make the smiles genuine.) But when I can, I like kids to be candid and let their personalities shine.

June 8th, 2012
Trampoline shot

Goofing around on the floor. This certainly creates natural hilarity :o)

At play

June 8th, 2012
@bluebell Love your kid portraits! :)
June 8th, 2012
As cute as I think my kids are (smile), some of my favorites are ones where their faces aren't even shown in the photo.

June 9th, 2012
I do a lot of pictures of kids...here is one of my recent favorites:

June 9th, 2012
@newbie Thanks :) one of my favorites. @rockinrobyn Thanks :)
June 9th, 2012
I like to get shots of children's faces when they are not smiling - you see their features much more clearly I think. My fav picture of my elder daughter (not taken by me) is when she was scowling. I still love it! This one is my friend's little girl who wasn't in a great mood at the time!
June 10th, 2012
My son is at the age where when he tries to smile, it looks like a grimace, or he just makes a face. Getting shots where he is preoccupied seems like the best solution.
June 10th, 2012
for some kids, posing comes naturally, so use that to your advantage.

June 10th, 2012
My whole project is kids. Nothing is ever set up. I just let them be them. Here are a few from this week.

June 10th, 2012
June 10th, 2012
Cute kids photos are fine and all but don't forget to take the darkside too, when they channel their inner dark lord of the sith...

Or when they reno your kitchen without asking:

When they dig holes in the yard:

Or the biggest one of all.... get drunk at a wedding and start fights over his woman...

or for that matter pull out the dirty dancing moves at a wedding...

I guess what I am saying is the same thing that was said above... let the kids set the mood and you capture it...

June 10th, 2012
June 10th, 2012
It's been said already - just let them do what they do and try and capture it. I try not to post too many of my daughter, as it would be too easy just to flood my project with photos of her, but some of my favourites are the ones of her.

June 10th, 2012
Here are some favorites from my project. I guess they are a little biased towards my younger one, but he is just so much easier to take pictures of!

June 10th, 2012
June 11th, 2012
@bluebell Wow! Exceptional photos! Really shocked me when I saw them. Really well done!
June 12th, 2012
@bluebell absolutely gorgeous photos!
June 18th, 2012
Some of my favs of my kids;

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