Scanning negs then editing...need suggestions

June 15th, 2012
When I got married 9 years ago, it was right on the *cusp* of everything going digital. We met with photogs who did film and some daring digital. And we chose a film photographer. I have all of the negatives. We never had an album made, and the prints we have are essentially proofs...never touched up, never printed.

So suddenly I'm inspired to scan the negatives with my favorite shots and edit. Photos were taken on a hotsummer's day so they seem "harsh" in some ways-- sun-drenched, shadows, sweaty faces. Okay...they're not *that* bad, but you get the picture. Turns out I can get a neg scanner from BorrowLenses. So first, anything I should consider when scanning?

Adn then, here's what I want editing software for: to help soften things up, make skin look a little better, and also create that "dreamy" look. We had a lot of photos in lush garden areas, really very beautiful. I also need not have in the photo-- i.e., my photographer didn't realize there was a manhole cover right behind us in our portrait photos. Woops! I have a gorgeous b&w photo of us walking through a very lush garden area next to a quaint ivy-covered garden house, but really there was a parking lot behind it and there's a big sign popping up in the background, plus glimpses of cars. Oh no.

Any suggestions for photo software for this? I'm considering my choices, am a beginner to photo editing (only Picasa). And I'm concerned that Photoshop Elements will not do everything that I'd like, but Photoshop will get my head spinning. And Lightroom? Same questions.

My other option is to scan the negs, and then hire someone. :-)

Any suggestions for this?
June 15th, 2012
You can remove unwanted things using picasa. I think it's on the main edit screen, labeled touchup or something similar. Play around with that to see how it works. That would be a start.

Similarly, Lightroom does the same thing as picasa. Both of these are good for small areas that need fixing.

PS Elements is pretty good for correcting larger areas but there is a learning curve. There are plenty of tutorials online.
June 15th, 2012
@dmortega Thanks Dorrena. It think what I have to remove is larger than Picasa is able to, otherwise I'd start with that. I'm feeling that what I'd like to accomplish isn't really available in Picasa, accept for really preset-type stuff. These are my wedding photos; maybe I'll just hire a service if I can. :-)
June 15th, 2012
If you want something more robust, yet free, get gimp (GNU Image Manipulation Program). It is as powerful as Photoshop, but a longer learning curve. There are many gimp tutorials on youtube that can help.
June 15th, 2012
@hjbenson Thanks Harry! I've heart of it; maybe I'll give it a try!
June 15th, 2012
Picasa is pretty good, free and easy to use.
PSE is much more comprehensive but you can work your way into the options. Sometimes you need the options.
Plenty books, YouTube, Magazines to teach you.
Or try T189 Digital Photography from the Open University.
I use both Picasa and PSE.
June 15th, 2012
This depends on how good your scans turn out. Neg scanners are a mixed bag. you might spend hours on photoshop erasing dust and scratches. I don't edit any film pictures because the grainy film patina is so hard to mess with and hide the messing. I'd use photoshop, but you can use these free ones people are suggesting, but to do it well, you'd have to practice a shit load before you actually do it I reckon. People make a living as retouchers, equally camera labs charge for neg scanning. both skills are challenging. good luck.
June 15th, 2012
all my old pics i've scanned in, i've only ever used picasa to touch up and crop etc. Good luck
June 16th, 2012
I say post your favorite here as a challenge and see what people do with it! LOL Tell them they have to post what they did (a learning experience for you) and they have to be okay with you hanging their edit on your wall (I'm sure most people would be thrilled!) You'll probably get at least one edit you'd be really happy with :-)
June 16th, 2012
make sure the negatives are the right size for the scanner. Read a discussion last night that you may need software to help convert image
June 16th, 2012
@chewyteeth Thanks for your insight. That's exactly what I thought....i.e., to do it well I'd have to practice a shit load. :-) Oh well, I have years and years I reckon. That and the one that is offered on BorrowLenses is a pretty high end one that reviewers say automatically takes out dust and scratches. I would hope there's not too much after 9 years in plastic sleeves. (?)
@kwiksilver Thanks Gillian. Funny, I use Picasa for all of the basics, cropping, lightening, etc. But
@m9f9l That is a great idea! Maybe I will do that. First I have to scan. :-)
@brumbe Thanks Paula. I'm waffling now between renting this scanner and just hiring out. Depending on the cost might be the same; however, it's always good to learn, right? I'll look for the discussion!
June 16th, 2012
I haven't read all the replies..and this may have been mentioned. I have done quite a bit of scanning of old odd sized b&w negs (from the 1920s) and some color 35mm slides. It IS a mixed bag. I would seriously consider calling a reputable photo store and see what they would charge to scan them.
As far as editing..I have been playing with PS elements since..whenever 4.0 came out. I just bought version 10 and really don't see much difference. I have seen some really good results with the free Picasa one!
June 17th, 2012
@drewhuy Thanks Drew! No one really recommended farming it out but the more I read I really think I'll just do exactly what you said. Mixed's what I fear and I'm NO expert!

It's funny on Picasa...I use it, but my expectations must be so high that everything else can do so much more. And in fact, really all the "work" is just boiled down to a preset function. I might again, farm out the big things like removing unwanted things from the background, and then play around some. Thanks again for weighing in!
June 18th, 2012
@goodnouc You are welcome. It's probably advice that I wouldn't use myself..because I'm the worlds worst at thinking I can do everything myself! Then I don't ever seem to get around to it..;-)
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