Family Shots, In a Park, with a baby...advice?

June 19th, 2012
I am helping out a friend with a family shoot this a park and they have a baby! Eeeek...Any advice????
June 19th, 2012
What kind of advice are you seeking exactly? More info might help people help you.

Is this your first portrait shoot?

How old is the baby? Are we talking newborn or a one year old toddler?

When you say evening, is this going to be a night shoot?
June 19th, 2012
Yikes, sorry...

Posing mostly, not sure how to direct a family of four in posing. The baby is 8 months, we will be shooting starting at 8 pm, which is about an hour to an hour and half before sunset.

My friend and I have both done some shoots, but none with babies
June 19th, 2012
Defintiely use the setting sun for some silhouettes! Kids on shoulders at the top of the horizon with setting sun behind them etc. Silhouette shots with my kids are always my faves and seem to often be everyone elses.
June 19th, 2012
I did one for a friend of mine and they had an 9 month old baby. One think i learned is that babies spit up so have them bring a change of clothes for the baby and them.
June 19th, 2012
The baby will set the mood.... it doesn't understand to look, smile or laugh on que... if it gets a dirty bum, needs a shoot of milk or anything else, take care of that first before trying to continue with the shoot. Also, have sun screens or a mesh... baby likely shouldn't be in direct sun (I don't care with my boy, but some people are funny like that)

Also, try and limit bystanders to few or none... if there are 3 or 4 people all yelling peak-a-boo, waving toys, etc it can be a lot for the tyke.

Finally, set-up a really low tri-pod and try moving away from the camera with a remote trigger, some kids like that... or someone on here I forget who put finger toys on the pop-up flash so the kid has something bright and fun to look at... or you could us a red, pink or green pentax KX... bright cameras look like toys to the kids...
June 19th, 2012
I agree with the above, let the kid set the mood. I think the best shots are when the kid isn't exactly looking. The park is seriously the best setting!!
If you want props, have them bring little accessories, favorite toys, cute little chairs etc. Good luck!!
June 19th, 2012
Make sure there is NO PRESSURE put on the kids. Photo shoots are stressful for kids and once they FEEL the pressure, they WILL NOT do it. Keep it fun, relaxed. You have to be fun. Take silly glasses, or something bright to put on the camera for everyone to look at on the camera.

Personally, I do a posed shot, followed up by some natural family interaction shots (where the family is doing something they normally do together) followed up by playing.

Keep it fun. Good luck!
June 19th, 2012
@cromwell @edie @jsilver @icywarm @ashpanelli @cfitzgerald Thanks everyone! It was a learning experience! I got some good shots and a bit of experience
June 22nd, 2012
Not sure if anyone has said this already, but get down onto the child's level!
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