Kelby Training - Free Pass

June 23rd, 2012
I got into a conversation with Jeff @jsw0109 about having your camera ready before going out and I was reminded about 'A day with Jay Maisel' on Kelby Training . I'm not a subscriber but have availed one of one the free 24 hour passes they make available each day.

I thought some people might not know about it and there are some excellent photographers on it (Jay Maisel, Joe McNally etc) from whom I picked up a lot of great information for free.

June 24th, 2012
Thanks for the info. I will ck it out for sure!
June 24th, 2012
oh thanks - very interesting - will look out for a free pass
June 24th, 2012
Bookmarked - thanks!
June 24th, 2012
Thanks for that.
June 24th, 2012
I am waiting for a period of 24 hrs when I can get at least 8 hours out of this great offer. I may eventually sign up. Scott Kelby is a great teacher - have read several of his books and learned so much - he is pretty entertaining too. :) Glad to know you found this offer helpful.
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