
July 18th, 2012
I use Lightroom for my editing but I feel like I'm missing out or can be doing better editing with PS. I have it installed just never use it.

What are some recommended sites with tutorials for beginners? layers, masks...etc all that stuff I just don't get. I can't even figure out how to use the brush option...

How did you get familiar with PS?

July 18th, 2012
I went to a class offered by a local photographer. Nothing really crazy or involved, just a little 3 hr course. I also love The Pioneer Woman (Ree Drummond). Her website She has a neat photography blog, good PS tutorials and some free actions.
July 18th, 2012
I highly reccomend Photoshop for Dummies. That got me started and supplied me with all the technical vocabulary so I'd be able to understand more advanced books on the program.
July 18th, 2012
@rayg86 Hi Ray I use both Lightroom and PS4 with most of my post processing done in Lightroom and some small image touch ups done in PS4,
mainly for spot removals and a little burning and dodging.
Paint brush is one of your best friends :P so definitely worth learning.

Has tons of help for all Adobe product. You can always ask Dr Goggle :P but just have to wade through tons of crap.
July 18th, 2012
go to youtube and search for photoshop tutorial
July 18th, 2012
I've learned a lot from youtube
July 18th, 2012
Look up the photoshop guy, or photoshop tv.
July 18th, 2012
Most of my editing is done in Lightroom and only rarely do I need to use Photoshop.
SLR Lounge has an awesome series of videos teaching Lightroom and what everything does.
July 18th, 2012
I agree with Brendan the photoshop guy is great and youtube is fantastic too :D
July 18th, 2012
I like, which has classes that are outlined in short videos. There is a subscription to it but can be done month to month for like $25 (or something like that) per month. I've also learned things through Scott Kelby's Photoshop user magazine and when you subscibe to that, you get free online tutorials as well.
July 18th, 2012
Are the basics of Photoshop the same as Gimp? If I got a book on Photoshop will I be able to apply the primary principals to Gimp? I'm asking since I have access to a Photoshop book for cheap, but I can get Gimp for free and don't own Photoshop
July 18th, 2012
@gennygenny I just checked out the Pioneer Woman website-- love it! Thanks for sharing
July 19th, 2012
@herussell be careful, Its addictive. You go there for photography and you end up cooking something.
July 20th, 2012
I have PhotoShop and use it a little. I am trying to learn to use it more.t. I have learned much about it from Nick Kelsh, "how to photograph your life." He does fantastic photography lessons (only $19.95 a year) in basic little bite size steps and thows in tips on PhotoShop to boot. I highly recommend him.
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