expired film (show me)

July 24th, 2012
Just found some 5 year expired 200ISO 35mm films. Did you ever use old films and if so what was the result. Show me if you like! Thank you. Hope to use them the next couple of weeks and show you the result later.
July 24th, 2012
This is all old film:

July 24th, 2012
I recently took two rolls of 10 year old film, theres a whole bunch of shots around this date in my B&W album, take a look http://365project.org/lorraineb/black-and-white/2012-05-22
July 24th, 2012
Expired (2006) Fujicolour C200, Leica Mini

July 24th, 2012

Film I thought was color and not expired. It turned out to be B&W and VERY old.
July 24th, 2012
My film camera has been sitting abandoned for a few years, in favor of my digital. I'm tempted to go back and apply the techniques I now know, and shoot a few of my remaining rolls.
July 24th, 2012
Haha, MOST of my film is expired; I just love the stuff! And refrigerated or not, I have yet to be disappointed.

Expired Fuji
1910 Box Camera

July 25th, 2012
@pschtyckque Do it, you will find that shooting a film camera will still be able to teach you a few things.
July 25th, 2012
@grizzlysghost that reminds me, now that I have 120 film, I need to give the Traveler 120 box camera a try. I currently have a roll in the Diana, so once I have that done, I'll move on to another film camera. still have to try the box one, the Yashica, and the Minolta HI-Matic 9 (both of the rangefinders need batteries)
July 25th, 2012
I bought a Brownie camera from the 1920s in its original leather case to add to my vintage/antique camera collection. When I opened the case there were two rolls of 127 film tucked next to the camera. One had been exposed and the other was unused and still in its sealed wrapper. I think I'll go out this weekend with the Brownie and the film and see what happens (and see if anything can be salvaged from the exposed roll. I also have a medium format camera that has a partially unexposed roll of film in it that I know is at least 13 years old since I haven't picked it up and used it since a photography class in 1999. I think I'll finish that off as well.
July 25th, 2012
@jsw0109 Very cool Jeff!
August 10th, 2012
@manek43509 @grizzlysghost @dancingkatz @jsw0109 @38mm @grizzlysghost @pschtyckque @lorraineb Thank you all, had some fun with the old films last two weeks, now just had to wait for the result!
August 10th, 2012
Cool! Hope your pictures come out well, now. :)
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