Homemade backdrop

August 14th, 2012
I did my first homemade backdrop. Have you done any homemade backdrops? Share em' with us!! :)

Steps on how I did mine:

August 14th, 2012
Not sure if this is classed as home made but I put some wallpaper behind the plane.

August 14th, 2012
I have a white piece of shelf I use all the time

I use a lot of fuzzy felt

And loooaaddss of wallpaper

August 14th, 2012
I have some white and black satin and some grey velvet that I drape either over the bed or for an adult I have large freestanding poster stand that I used to use for my business so I put that up and peg it to the top. It works :-)

Here is one with the white satin... I love these and use them all the time. Before I bought the fabric I would often use white paper for small objects.
August 14th, 2012
That's excellent Ray!
August 14th, 2012
Wow thanks for sharing this. It's awesome. I have been wanting to do something like this for a while. I do have a couple of backdrops that I made myself. I purchased some plain black and some plain white table cloth fabric to make the two basic backgrounds that I have. I found it hard to find a really good wide fabric so it was seamless. I think I might do this over the weekend.
August 14th, 2012
Great tutorial! The backdrop looks great and is infinitely cheaper than buying a muslin! I will have to try this!
August 14th, 2012
@rayg86 Great backdrop Ray! Love it
August 14th, 2012
@saranna Do you find satin works well? I have been wanting to buy some white and black fabric for draping, but I thought satin would be too shiny? Your pic is stunning!
August 14th, 2012
I bought a few yards of matt black material. works very well as no shine.
August 14th, 2012
Nicely done!
@victorypuzzle I often use a black velvet fabric which seems to work well with no reflections of any kind. I feel the texture presents a nicer background
August 15th, 2012
@victorypuzzle I find it works well in the house where I am usually using it as I don't have a great deal of natural light and I can adjust what I do have through my blinds. The Satin seems to bounce the light around and works really well for kids with their beautiful skin. If it's too shiny I just turn it over to the matt side and it isn't as reflective. I like the satin and velvet as it doesn't seem to crush as much and when it does it doesn't shot up in pics as much as say a cotton fabric
August 16th, 2012
@rayg86 Skipping the salt could be why you got the purple effect. I also use sheets for my backdrops. I use very cheep sheets so you want to make sure that you bounce light off of them -- not through them, or you will get little squares of light shining all over the backdrop.
August 22nd, 2012
@rayg86 I bought two large pieces of cotton type material, one black and one white. I use 2 or 3 hand grips to attach to shelving and I have my backdrop. If I shoot in RAW I can easily get a pure black or white by simple adjustments of the sliders. I find this arrangemnent a lot easier than assembling the studio apparatus I have for "proper" backdrops!
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