Help please!!!

August 17th, 2012
I am in need of everyone's thoughts and tips, and tricks and anything you can help with. I am taking some photos at my work and I work at an Indoor Trampoline place. I need to get some action shots of people jumping and doing flips and all kinds of cool things, and I tried to get some photos this afternoon and NONE of them turned out. All of the photos of the people jumping were blurred. I had my camera on just about every setting including sports, auto, manual, etc... What am I doing wrong. What setting do you suggest I have my camera on and what other advise can you all give me. Thank you so much for all your help. :)
August 17th, 2012
What is the fastest shutter speed you used?
August 17th, 2012
Also, knowing what type of camera will help since that will determine what ISO you can realistically use.
August 17th, 2012
@vase- I think I used everyone I have, but I think the highest was 1600
@kannafoot- oh yes, silly me, I have a Canon EOS Rebel XS
August 17th, 2012
If your camera doesn't have a fast enough shutter speed to freeze the subject, you could try panning. It will blur the background but it will keep the subject in focus.....
August 17th, 2012
@shadesofgrey- Thank you for the tip and if I may ask, how do I do the panning, I have never done that before. Thanks
August 17th, 2012
I would set the camera to shutter priority and then to the highest shutter speed available. 1600 should be fast enough capture people on a trampoline. If the pics look too dark or your depth of field is too shallow from your large apeture, increase the ISO setting.

Good luck. Sounds like a fun project.
August 17th, 2012
Maybe the automatic settings are messing it up because "indoor" and "sports" are asking two different things. I would set the !SO to 1000 or 1600 if needed and the shutter speed to 1/250 or faster. I'm thinking 1/250 should be fast enough for these trampolinists. This does sound like fun! Maybe try to shoot at the height of the person's jump when they are most static too.
August 17th, 2012
depends how dark the room is.
your max ISO is a bit blurry and fuzzy sometimes. So I'd set your shutter speed to 1/1000 and I'd open your lens to its widest apeture. you'll have to do this on manual. If you have the 18-55 that came with your camera you'll be on f3.5. Then take a shot in the sports hall. Its probably gonna be pretty dark so go to ISO800 and take another, then up to 1600, then if its still dark you're gonna have to come down on the shutter speed. Do this until your shot is clear and light. you're basically trying to shoot the fastest you can. Also consider using the pop up flash on the top, but it depends how close you're getting to the jumper. Also consider if you're taking pics of peoples kids at a class you might have to ask the parents.
August 17th, 2012
I think, Panning is when U move ( e.g. from left to right) your camera fast enough to make a blur. Practice first until u are satisfied with your result. Try it with moving objects like train or cars. Then try with people in action. Good Luck!
August 17th, 2012
I would bump up your ISO fairly high - my camera handles ISO 3200 fairly well without too much noise. Even if you get noise in your image - it is better to get a noisy image than a less than sharp one. Good luck.
August 18th, 2012
This was taken on a trampoline and looking at the info it was 1/800. I did wait for the top of the jump so as the motion was much slower.

I am sure you can get your shutter speed up to 1/4000.... I take a lot of action photos of running horses and to completely freeze them I am around 1/2000 but in general at 1/1000 so I still get some motion through the legs.

In short its all about shutter speed, but the faster you go the more light you will need.
August 18th, 2012
My daughter does competitive trampolining and the stadiums have horrible light. I think the slowest shutter speed I have used is around 1/500. The faster you can get the better. Remember to bump your ISO up and as wide an aperture as you can get. I often will have my camera on continuos shooting too.
August 18th, 2012
@chewyteeth Please never use flash for taking photos of someone on a trampoline. That flash can distract them and cause them to come off the trampoline
August 18th, 2012
I never take photos of people on trampolines don't worry, but good point.
August 18th, 2012
i took some photos at a mens hockey match today, very fast and i got a fair number of failures but i also got quite a few good ones, i had mine set on Tv with shutter speed of 1/1000, and iso on auto, which because it was outside and sunny it flicked mainly between 100 and 200 anyway, inside may be a bit more interesting
August 18th, 2012
If you put the camera and sports and don't go too close it should work and rather crop the picture. it's worth a try.
August 19th, 2012
Thank you everyone for the great advise, I actually got some decent photos today, so Thank you :)
August 19th, 2012
Another thing you can do is to catch the jumpers at the top of their flight, just before they start falling. At that point they are virtually stationary so they shouldn't blur. Also, if you are suing autofocus, try turning it of and manually prefocus at a particular point and wait for the jumpers to enter that point.
Good luck!!
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