Focus help please :)

September 8th, 2012
I love taking pictures of my husband and myself together during different seasons without having to keep paying money for a "real" photographer(lol!), and I am having trouble with my focusing. It's hard being in the shot and taking it at the same time(using self timer)..either he is in focus and Im not, or vice versa. I can do it when it's just myself in the shot messing around for selfies but when its more than me then its like my brain frazzles out on what to do. We just took some pictures a few days ago and I came up with only a handful I could actually keep. So my question is how do I get us both to be in focus each time? It confuses me if I should do auto focus or manuel, and what area I should aim at(his face, where I may be, between us...etc)
September 8th, 2012
It may be your depth of field creating an issue. Close your aperture to get your target (you and your husband) within the DoF. If your aperture is too large (i.e. f/2.8) your DoF may be too small so when you get into the shot, you may either be too close or too far. Closing up your aperture will help remove this issue (so you can be in front of him and still be in the focal area). I would recommend closing down to at least f/8, which should give you more wiggle room. Just an idea :)
September 8th, 2012
@grizzlysghost Okay great! Thanks so much. Of course hearing that makes me feel like DUH, lol, but I guess some times you don't think about the simplest of things
September 8th, 2012
Yes I agree with Aaron. It is amazing to me the difference of f 1.8 at close range vs farther back.
September 8th, 2012
Yes it sounds like your aperture setting is too small. Of course then you run into shutter speed issues as it slows down the aperture number goes up. As long as you are at 1/30 (or even 1/15 if you have a steady hand!) you should be OK without flash.
September 8th, 2012
Also if your shutter speed is too slow, try bumping up your iso.
September 8th, 2012
@rockinrobyn @emsabh @snaggleture Thanks so much guys
September 8th, 2012
f7, good light, 1/125 or faster shutter and get a remote trigger. Set you camera on continuous shooting and snap away.

I was just looking at this at lunch today. It might be helpful.
September 8th, 2012
@snaggleture @emsabh

If she is in photo with hubby... likely the camera is not being held... so shutter speed should be less of an issue... just hold your breath and 1/2 - 1 sec exposure could even be fine... could be neat if things are moving around you and you are still...
September 8th, 2012
@icywarm agree. I was under the impression @tbats22 would be holding her camera at arms length, rather than on a tripod or triggering it remotely.
September 8th, 2012
@emsabh Well she shoots with a rebel... People .. Armslength..dont.. Well maybe..
September 8th, 2012
Always have such a problem with myself and us:):)
September 8th, 2012
Ps. Aperture number didnt help me a lot...:)
September 8th, 2012
@emsabh @icywarm Yeah I shoot with a tripod
September 8th, 2012
@jwlynn64 Okay thanks! Going to look at that link right now :)
September 8th, 2012
@nyusha Isnt it annoying? LOL
September 8th, 2012
@tbats22 Oh you have a tripod.. I dont, and i had to focus on smth(smb) else, then run quickly to this "focus place", - and i thought tripod will be very useful for this focus and just solve this problem, no???? Otherwise i dont much need it untill i have any other surface)))))) and yes, its really annoying and ive spolied many lovely portraits of us due to focus:)))))) either not on me or not in the right place of me etc, lol))))))
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