How to take pictures??

September 25th, 2012
Hi everyone, I have just started using my camara and i
discovered that I like photography. I would like to know
If you guys could give me some tips. I have taken
Same pictures and I have discoved that shade play
A very important role in photography...

Any tips would came in handy.

Thank in advance
September 25th, 2012
That's a tall order.
@netkonnexion has a pretty good blog that might help you to get started.
September 25th, 2012
That is a big question to pose there Josseline - the big thing to improve your photography is just to take lots of pics! In the digital age this is easy as you dont have to print them. The other thing is think about (which you have already touched on) is light and shade and how they impact your photos. Photography literally means "painting with light" so light is just about the single most important aspect of your photos - each and every photo and how you use that light. There are also lots of good books on photography by authors such as Tom Ang, Bryan Peterson etc that will take you through the basics of aperture and shutter speed as well. But the really important thing is to take lots of photos and this project should help with that!
September 25th, 2012
This website is quite a good one, lots of tips there.
September 25th, 2012
never drop your camera in a bowl of soup. In my experience that's a good rule to stick to.
September 25th, 2012
Your camera will always take much better pictures if you remember to take the lens cap off.
September 25th, 2012
@josseline The link @bluebell gives is a very good start. And the other tip is just shoot, shoot, shoot. Try the camera settings and learn from the results. Follow other 365'ers, participate in challenges and have fun!
September 25th, 2012
@cromwell Especially when you are using a film rangefinder, and only find out a few days later. Not that I have EVER done that you understand.
September 25th, 2012
Just keep going and trying stuff. Maybe Open University T189 Digital Photography if you want to learn a lot about photography. I would start by using different zooms, or appertures and then shutter speeds and seeing what happens. Golden Rule of digital photogrphy - do not get camera wet.
September 25th, 2012
A little idea for you. Take a photograph of something or someone and then shoot it/them again every couple of months, so you can see how your skills progress.

Learn the basics of a good composition, like lead in lines, rule of 3rds, working with light, and these will serve you very well.

All the other advice here is good.

Good luck.
September 25th, 2012
@godders - That Golden rule is a little tarnished nowadays Paul what with Olympus and Panasonic and Canon releasing waterproof, snow proof, shock proof point and shoots. Even my Olympus DSLR will handle a heavy rainstorm with its weather sealed body and lenses...

And Josseline, you are so correct in saying that shade play an important role. I think though you need to think of it as "the light plays an important role" Shade is secondary after you get the light correct. Our eyes and our cameras can only see because of light. Use this to your advantage and the pictures will come.
September 25th, 2012
To build on what @chewyteeth @cromwell @blahblahblah have helps to have your camera with you. You can't take photos without it! After that, avoid the soup and remember to take off the lenscap!
September 25th, 2012
eyes, you need to have eyes. I forgot that.
September 25th, 2012
@chewyteeth And keep them open, though I swear some people on here don't ;)
September 26th, 2012
I wrote this to help you out with your thoughts about shadows... they are of great importance. Enjoy!

Three little known facts about shadows
September 26th, 2012
Try the CSC (camera settings challenge) challenges. We are currently working on pre-processing (CSC-13), there have been a lot of helpful hints and websites posted to help with the different challenges.
September 26th, 2012
i got my dslr in 2010 and started and completed my first 365 that year... i basically carried my camera with me everywhere everyday and by the end of the year i not only got to know the camera a lot more, i also identified what i liked to shoot and seemed to develop my own "style" ... so for me the best way to learn to shoot is to just go out and shoot. sure you need the manuals, magazines to point you to a starting point but thereafter it's all up to you how you apply that knowledge... but most of all enjoy it!
September 26th, 2012
It's difficult to advise anyone how to get started because we all have different tastes, backgrounds and ideas. My own method is to think not primarily of the picture but what the scene "says" to me and what I would like to tell my friends about it - and while I am thinking about that I click the shutter to fit the words that come into my head, which then become the all-important title and caption, so I never have to look for subjects . . . they are all around me.
September 26th, 2012
Like Nike says - "just do it!" :)
September 26th, 2012
Such a vast question, there is no quick answer. One thing you could do in addition to all the above advices is choose a subject you like to photograph, and search this site by tag. It will give you various points of views on how to catch your subject (lighting, angle, composition, background, etc.).
And I agree, just practice, and try to think about "does my picture tells a story?"
September 26th, 2012
All the above are right, especially...just take pictures. And learn all you can about your camera. I am enjoyed Nick Kelsh's How to Photograph your Life Photo Tips. They have been very helpful to me. You can get the basic tips newsletter every day.
September 27th, 2012
I'd say make sure you know how to keep your camera well maintained, clean and in good working order, get to know all the different settings and learn the basics or fundamentals of photography in general, but most of all, go out with the camera, have fun and don't take it too seriously to begin with, you'll soon get "the bug" and find yourself reading up on websites and experimenting different things....enjoy the journey, its a magnificent and magical world out there just waiting to be shot! :)
September 28th, 2012
@sarajeal yes that's so true too.
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