Editing effect

October 23rd, 2012
Hi... I was just wondering, I know that I'm way to amateur to be able to actually do it myself, but does anyone know how they achieve the effect in this picture and ones like it? I don't even know what the name for it is, but the way their faces and stuff look.. kinda all movie-poster and stuff...

Sorry to ramble, and I also feel like I'm spamming with questions since I've joined :( Just really interested in how it's done. x
October 23rd, 2012
I'm a complete amateur so I use Picmonkey, around Halloween they have lots of spooky tools you can use.
October 23rd, 2012
There are a ton of youtube videos on how to create just about anything using photoshop, etc. Google special effects, or a couple of simple effects you want to learn. It takes a village, and lots and lots of time to learn it all. I don't do much post-processing, as I am just learning thru the lens. Good luck.....
October 23rd, 2012
I would google how to do it, but it's not really helping because I don't know how to describe the effect very well haha! That's why I was hoping someone here might know xx
October 23rd, 2012
I think this shot is taken at different times and then the characters have been placed in the setting. The lighting on the faces suggests that they have all been photographed separately and added in later. Possibly look up HDR effects as well which is possibly where that "waxwork" effect is achieved x
October 23rd, 2012
Thanks! I think that's what I was looking for :) Looks super hard to do haha, perhaps I'll get there one day x
October 23rd, 2012
There are multiple things going on in that picture, no one effect. As Sara said the people are added later so you could start with learning to put people into different backgrounds. This can be done in photoshop, personally I use the extract tool.
If you don't have photoshop it can be done in pixlr editor(free online program at pixlr.com) by selecting from one picture and moving it onto the other picture and runbbing out the excess. Its hard to describe, best to google it. The rest are filters and clarity and possibly a bit of hdr.
October 23rd, 2012
Def two images combined - the background and actors. Almost looks like they took a still from a movie for the background and added in the actors from studio shot. Def nothing hdr about this image. Looks like they lit the actors in a studio, added blue light to their right side of their faces to look like the blue orbs are shining on them - either by using a blue gel on a strobe or possibly in photoshop, you can search glowing orbs or something similar in photoshop tutorials to find out how to make the blue glowing orbs.
October 23rd, 2012
they're highly posterized, with lots of grain added. also, as others mentioned, this is a photo montage, or composition. for the face effects, look for 'graphic novel photoshop filters' or 'posterization photoshop filters'. they also look as if a large amount of clarity has been applied to them in Lightroom 4.
October 24th, 2012
its definately a composite image but I would suggest you look up tutorials on the Dave Hill effect, if you are unaware of Dave Hills work check out his site http://www.davehillphoto.com/adventure/
October 24th, 2012
October 24th, 2012
@asrai Wow thanks for that Lee..... I found some tutorials, I am going to give that a go today!!!
October 24th, 2012
as @sarajeal said this picture is made by several shots ..
each character and the background ..
it looks so ill because its made professionally with studio lights and stuff
and a really good photoshop hand ..
and yes there is a HDR touch in this picture ..
see some tutorials about HDR & studio lightning =] good luck
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