Infra Red Filters

October 28th, 2012
I've recently bought a Hoya 72 Infra Red Filter for my Nikon D5100. According to the book that came with it, it produces stunning photographs, but, mine does not. I change the ISO setting, fiddle with F stops and all I get is a photo in black and red.
Does anyone know the secrets of using this type of filter on a DS 5100 please?
October 28th, 2012
You need to do significant processing to infrared photographs to get them to look as you might expect.

There's lots of advice on Google, here's a basic guide, but there are lots of more advanced methods:

A really basic method is to switch the camera into black and white mode, which will give you something you can use straight out of camera if you don't want to do any post-processing. You will be far more limited in what you can achieve, though.

Note that cameras are getting better and better infrared filters over the sensor. You're basically battling this when you fit an IR72 filter to your lens -- the lens filter is letting through nothing but IR light, and the sensor filter is letting through everything but IR light. I was able to get much better IR photos on my old 350D than on my 50D, as the filtering on the 350D was worse. I'm not sure how good the IR filtering on a D5100 is. Serious IR digital photographers will modify a DSLR to remove the built-in filter -- but this is a complex procedure and makes the DSLR only really usable for IR photography.

Here's one of my favourite IR shots, also taken with a Hoya R72 filter, just to prove it is possible!

October 28th, 2012
@abirkill I bow to you! Ive been proud of my IR shots, but this is amazing!
October 28th, 2012
@okc553 I use a converted D70. I do have to do some processing to swap the red and blue channels.
October 28th, 2012
@cmc1200 Thanks! That was the first IR photo I ever took, and I've not taken another that's been even half as good. If ever the phrase "beginner's luck" applied...!
October 29th, 2012
@okc553 - If you're getting shots that are mainly red, it sounds like a white balance issue. Try to set a custom white balance off a patch of green grass, while the IR filter is attached. That should help significantly.

I've converted a D70 myself. It's not all that hard to do, just very scary.
October 29th, 2012
@okc553 interesting post ~ I have the Nikon D5100 and some IR filters are coming from santa :-) ... will keep an eye on this thread ~ thank you for asking :-)
October 29th, 2012
@abirkill Many, many thanks. I thought that would be the case. Next question of course is where to get a modified camera...I'll search the net.
October 29th, 2012
@alisonp Hi Alison. Good luck - please let me know how you get on. It looks like the built in filter is going to be a bit of a problem, but I'll keep trying.
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