DIY extension tube

December 19th, 2012
If you fancy having a go at macro photography but do not want to spend the money on extension tubes or a macro lens then check out this article.

Hope it is of use to someone.

December 19th, 2012
Nice idea if you're desperate, but having to sacrifice a camera body cap and rear lens cap pushes the actual cost quite high unless you have spare ones.

Be aware you can pick up a set of basic tubes (for Canon, at least) for just over $6 US delivered (anywhere in the world) on eBay, e.g.:

That gives you the flexibility of different lengths as well (depending on what lens you want to use, different lengths will give different focusing ranges).
December 19th, 2012
@abirkill you are absolutely right of course. A cheap set of tubes is the easiest answer. I just thought the article might be of interest to some DIY 365er's.
December 19th, 2012
I would rather use an approved product with my camera for me, My camera was very expensive! and was not an easy buy so I personally would not risk damaging it with a DIY idea sorry Joseph but I cant approve :-/
December 20th, 2012
I've also seen some where you can turn a pringles can in an extreme extension tube
Like the other example, you do need to sacrifice some caps but once you get it lined up and focused correctly I imagine you could get some really awesome shots
December 20th, 2012
I agree that you can pick up inexpensive plastic extension tubes rendering this idea less attractive, but it saddens me that the long standing DIY approach to photography is dying. It was not so long ago when a roll of gaffa tape, some drawing pins and a few sheets of cardboard were essential parts of a pros kit, and people were doing this kind of thing on Hassleblads, view cameras and much more expensive and delicate kit than your current range of DSLRs.

How times change. :-(
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