Your greatest weakness

January 30th, 2013

What's your great photography weakness?

Mine i guess is how to rapport and treat the models. The me is very difficult to know how to orient the model, how to pose, how to extract from them a good expressive portrait. If you have a trick about how to do that better, you are welcome.

Else, share your weaknesses below. :)
January 30th, 2013
rushing things when I do photoshoots, and then thinking when i get home 'i should have done this, said that, done that'. I do get better each time.
I used to flick through at the end of a shoot and show people some of the photos, I've now stopped doing that, annoying when a photo didnt come out great, and they text/email saying what happened to 'that photo'.
January 30th, 2013
@gabrielklee i've not done much portrait work but 'soft skills' the same as you, how to direct a model etc its so tricky.
January 30th, 2013
I always ask the model up front if she is comfortable posing herself...if not I just get talking and chatting, make them laugh. Whenever I try to explain a pose...especially for "Model" work I ask them to pose, then exaggerate that pose until it feels give it more lines and angles.

My weakness is not thinking through each shot...I take too many shots at each shoot. Must slow down and compose each shot like I am using film
January 30th, 2013
I also suffer from not taking my time. I need to think about setting up, what lens to use, what filters to use, whether I should take a shot from a different angle or longer exposure etc.
January 30th, 2013
I see something I want to photograph, and then take too long to get back to it, and then it's gone. I have missed a lot of cool shots that way. For example, the biggest tree ever for this area, was cut down and hogging the tiniest driveway. The girth of the trunk was bigger than Sophie is tall. Then the tree was gone and I thought I could still work with the massive trunk. Then one day that was gone as well. My loss
January 30th, 2013
Not enough preparation. AKA the same as @hopess13 really - not thinking things through.
January 30th, 2013
Color! Too much overwhelms me - I prefer shooting in mono or at least using muted tones.
January 30th, 2013
Maybe when you talk to a model you need to use simple sentence structure and monosyllabic words, just a thought.

I think my weakness is rushing things. I feel like fiddlng around with my camera is taking hours and it's just a few seconds but it seems like a lot longer.

I have the patience of a gnat.
January 30th, 2013
Interacting with shooting live subjects. I am learning how to get permission to shoot others. I realize that my static composition needs a face lift. @gabrielklee
January 30th, 2013
Being my own worst critic! I can take a photo and do processing that seems perfectly reasonable, but then keep going, and going with it - then it looks over-processed. Start again. Do it again. Finally deciding I like something, post it to 365 - wish I'd done it better.
March 5th, 2013
Overprocessing. If it's not overprocessed, then I've done something wrong. When I'm done, it seems overprocessing was wrong. It's a vicious circle. *sigh*

@amyamoeba That's exactly what I'm taking about. It's a perfectionist thing...
March 5th, 2013
@5unflow3r I do the same! Every day, I walk down the streets in the morning, taking different routes, and I would see at least 10 things I want to photograph but I just pass by. But you know what, you have to tell yourself, 'it's okay, I'll get the next one'. ;)
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