Small Statue

February 6th, 2013
I have a small (6"x4") bronze statue that I would like to get some unique/interesting shots of. Would like any tips and/or suggestions.
If it helps: I have a nikonD90 with 35prime, wide angle, 70-300 lenses.
February 6th, 2013
35mm sounds like the best option. Experiment with different lighting and backgrounds maybe. Start with a black piece of card with a little side lighting (example Or white background (example Maybe put the statue in an interesting environment and bring it to life (example
February 6th, 2013
Or light from behind using an off camera flash.
February 6th, 2013
Can you stick a snapshot up of it - just to help us come up with suggestions?

Be nice to know what it is of, its pose, textures, etc


>>Feeling Blue - my 365
February 6th, 2013
Well it depends on what you want to do with it. Are you looking to use it as a prop in different locations? A simple shot of just the statue? You haven't mentioned what it looks like. The question is too open ended to give any suggestions. We need more information.
February 6th, 2013
@styru --- would you mind adding the code to the end the bold on your tag. Thanks.
February 6th, 2013
@dmortega @styru @seanoneill @brav

Thank you for all the ideas. The links to your own projects helped a lot. Wasn't planning on doing anything major with the picture. Just bought this statue and thought it would make a good subject to practice shooting on.

Here is my iphone shot of it. One handed. :o)
February 6th, 2013
@judigraff Now I've seen your statue i would look for a pov where you can shoot at eye level with the bull, and sit it on a white or black cloth that also becomes the background. Then I would play with lighting it from different angles to create shadows on the white background in particular, maybe like these.
February 7th, 2013
How about shooting only parts of it! Like just the boy's hand or the steer's head?
February 7th, 2013
Try not lighting it at all. The bronze will pick up highlights whatever you do so put it in a place where it gets no reflected light. Get out your tripod and take some shots. You'll be surprised at the difference it makes.
February 7th, 2013
I was trying something simliar today and found that Richard (@brav) was right on target in his advice to use a solid background. I was trying to keep shadows to a minimum and was trying to use a "prop" to convey the feel of a lake -- the flat rock doesn't quite cut it, but the idea of creating a subtle background was something I'd seen others do effectively.
February 7th, 2013
@grammyn very good idea. I will try that.

@swilde The bronze does seem to give blown out areas easily

@taffy Thank you. your shot turned out nicely
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