Kids fashion show shoot for a newbie!

March 5th, 2013
Hi, I have been asked to "do the photography" for my boys school to raise funds for the PTA. I'm meeting with a mum from the PTA to ask lots of questions as they have held a fashion show before and I'm hoping in the meantime someone might be able to offer some advice/tips for the big day itself and for everything in preparation and equipment and afterwards - I'm excited but very nervous about it.

I have a canon EOS 40D with kit lens (17-85mm) and a friends can lend me a 70-300mm lens which I haven't used yet. I have a tripod and a reflector and contacts to borrow equipment.

Experience thus far
The closest I have come to this is a model wearing hats, photos can be found on my facebook page I did some practice beforehand and used tonnes of white sheets and reflectors in a bedroom for a makeshift studio!

The shoot
I was going to suggest that parents are more likely to spend more money on portrait photos of their kids rather than the ones of them doing the catwalk? unless they are stunning, and as I don't yet know about the lighting and they will be on the move, I'm not sure I can deliver on this! The mum is going to show me some "crappy" photos she took at the last event so at least I will get a feel for it.

I would like to be able to use the photos I take but I'm assuming I will need the parents written permission, can anyone point me in the right direction for some blurb on this?. I don't want that to put them off buying though so it could be optional and maybe the ones who agree get a discount? Any thoughts /experience on that most appreciated.

I'm tempted to do it for free except expeneses as its for the school, will be a good expereince and could bring more work as well as take the pressure off. Or I could take a percentage of sales? How much should I charge do you think? How should I structure it. I know if I give option of printing it will be a HUGE task to get that done if its a success. Should I just do a DVD?

Aything else?
I'm sure there's loads more I should think about as well as practice of course. I need to collect boys from school now though so got to go.

Thank you
In advance for any help/tips you can offer on this! Most appreciated.


March 5th, 2013
Very exciting!! I think that you should definitely take a percentage of sales-- I'm a yoga instructor and once I was certified everyone around me assumed they would get free private yoga classes-- but it doesn't work that way. When you are giving something energetically, you should be getting something in return-- which doesn't always have to be money-- but don't sell yourself short-- this is your time.
March 5th, 2013
@amandakay129 thank you Amanda, it's hard to charge people when you love what you do, but on the other hand I know it will be many hours of my time so I know you're right.
March 15th, 2013
Is the shoot at the school? Most schools will require you to have some liability insurance if you are charging and acting a a business.
And if you are acting as a business I think you would be required to have a business name and ABN.
If you are just a mum taking photos that may be different but that may change if you start charging.
Just a thought :)
March 15th, 2013
@mummarazzii Thank you Lisa so much for your thoughts, honestly all these thoughts are so helpful - I mentioned liability Insurance in my meeting so we are looking into that. What is ABN though?
March 15th, 2013
@traceywhickerphotography I just thought you may not be in Australia...but it is a an Australian business number...or a registered business.
I just know schools here require these things if you are working with them :)
Sounds like a great opportunity!
I had a look at your page, you have a beautiful eye for composition, your shots are lovely :)
March 15th, 2013
@mummarazzii Oh thank you so much, that really means a lot and I really appreciate it. I hope it will lead to other things, I'm tentatively setting up my business slowly and surely and cautiously! I'm in the UK, but will see if they require anything like that here too. Thanks for the tips! :)
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