Budget Macro - Reverse mount or extension tubes?

March 5th, 2013
I am interested in macro photography but I do not have the budget for an expensive macro lens right now but I have seen some fairly impressive results with both reverse mounting and extension tubes. The question is, which one would you recommend and why?
March 5th, 2013
Extension tubes are cheap and adjustable (I bought a set of 3 off eBay for around £5) and give you good results. The only drawback is that you have to use manual settings, but this is not a real problem if you are used to handling a camera.
March 5th, 2013
I got these:

Although slightly more expensive they auto focus as well as manual and so far produced some great results
March 5th, 2013
@iii @johnmnewman I have looked at auto focus tubes.... I usually manual focus anyway but would like to have the option if it's available and it doesn't seem to be stupidly expensive. Have you had any luck with reverse mounting?
March 5th, 2013
@gazbadger No never tried that, i normally manually focus using these tubes and they are good. They also well made and sturdy.

I would recommend these for the money as also didnt' want to go to the expense of a macro lens when I wasn't sure if macro was for me or not.
March 5th, 2013
I have a reversing ring that is great for the £3 I paid for it. Like you, I wanted cheap macro and this is a pretty decent alternative to a macro lens. Just takes some practice to perfect it though :)
March 5th, 2013
Both are fairly easy and fun, but the ones I use the most are my close-up lens (or close-up filters).

March 5th, 2013
Never tried reverse mounting. I got my extension tubes after successfully using bellows at work with a Nikon D80 - used for photographing electronic components that are used in dc-dc converters - typically around 0.5mm long / 0.25mm high. At these dimensions, DOF is a major problem. However, tubes are cheap, simple and very effective. Bellows are more expensive but come with the option of allowing connectivity to the camera for controlling exposure.
March 5th, 2013
@archaeofrog Are these close up filters really effective? I haven't heard much on these.
March 5th, 2013
@naturalbeauty Am I right in thinking you have to gain focus by proximity with them?
March 5th, 2013
Has anyone had a problem with extra weight putting stress on mounts too? I read that can be a problem
March 5th, 2013
@gazbadger Yes, thats right
March 5th, 2013
@gazbadger My cousin gave me extension tubes both the manual and auto. There was a problem with the auto and she needed to send it back. I've been playing with the manual and have been having a lot of fun with it. I couldn't afford the lens either. Check out my photo from yesterday and a few days ago for examples. You need to be very very close to your subject.
March 5th, 2013
@gazbadger I really like them and they give a lot of flexibility. I have an article coming out soon about them, which I can get you the link when it gets published. Here are some recent pics using them ...

+4 close-up lens on Canon 50 mm

+10 close-up lens on Canon 50 mm

March 5th, 2013
@ptowncook @archaeofrog Thank you.... that was really helpful to have visual demonstrations of what each is capable of. I think I will go with the Auto extension tubes for now and take it from there. Great pics btw... I am looking forward to seeing what I can come up with =)
March 6th, 2013
I use a reversing ring - paid less than a dollar for it :)

March 6th, 2013
@pocketmouse wow... these are beautiful images. I might just get both. I read somewhere that they can be used in conjunction. What lens do you reverse for these images Teresa?
March 6th, 2013
@gazbadger Thank you :) I use my 18-55mm kit lens - works very well as it offers a range of zoom and focus!

I've never used an extension tube before - I'm intrigued about using both together! Something to read up on :D
March 6th, 2013
@pocketmouse Thanks again. Time to go shopping I think :-)
March 7th, 2013
@pocketmouse Wow, this is impressive. I need to check it out! Can you use it with auto focus?
March 7th, 2013
@ptowncook Thank you :) Unfortunately not! Manual all the way. You need to have nerves of steel (aka don't breathe for a few seconds) as you take the shot :D
March 7th, 2013
I got my auto macro tubes late yesterday... hoping to get out today at some point to make some use of them and see what I can get but typically the weather is disagreeing with me right now! lol
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