Behind the Scenes.

March 7th, 2013
So I'm curious to hear your opinion. After reading the Before/After thread that was started recently, I thought I'd contribute, and the last few shots I've posted, I've done a matching "behind the scenes" shot so people could see how it's done. No fancy studios or lighting, just stuff from around the house normally.

When I was talking to my husband last night, he told me I'm ruining the magic, and he used some analogy about magicians. (Although I did go on to explain there was that show in the mid-90's with a masked magician who showed you how he did the illusions) He then went on to ask if I wanted to be a leader or a teacher, and I explained teachers can be leaders too, and it all got very in depth for a bedtime conversation :P

Personally, I love seeing how a photo was set up, because you very often don't expect it do be done how it was.

If it's useful, then surely that's only helpful to others? Or is the magic being spoiled? the risk of hijacking my own thread, my job has been hectic recently, and I'm well behind on commenting etc..but I got a chance to view some of yesterdays photographs this morning - people of 365, you are doing a fabulous job right now. I think I loved every photo on the first 4 pages. Awesome stuff. Well done everyone. (With a bar so high, maybe I should cling onto any trade secrets ahahahaha!)

March 7th, 2013
I think sharing is caring :D We all have to start somewhere and helping each other by showing how you have created your art is a really nice thing to do. I always try to answer questions when I am asked. Good on you, I think it's fabulous :D
March 7th, 2013
I am with you on this. We don't all have access to studio equipment, so we have to make do with whatever we can lay our hands on. It is interesting to see how people overcome the problems they encounter while trying to set up and capture their shots.

I have done this in a few threads in my project (oil & water and water crowns) in the hope that it will encourage people to: 1) have a go themselves, and 2) improve on my set up.

The only problem I have is that I am not an 'Ace', so I am limited to the single picture a day and I want to save that for my pictures - not set ups, but I have overcome this by uploading pictures of my set up to a Flickr page and adding a linky-thing.

I don't see the point of keeping any set up 'top secret'; I would prefer to share the technique and see what others can do - not to copy, but to take inspiration and add their own particular style and flair. Isn't that what this is site all about?
March 7th, 2013
I'm here to learn. And peeking behind the curtain is invaluable.
March 7th, 2013
I'm a beginner and I find your 'behind the scenes' shots very useful. I also think the best teachers are also leaders.
March 7th, 2013
I think it is wonderful how so many 365ers share their set ups, techniques, tricks etc. I have tried lots of new things after seeing someone else's work, and always credit them with the inspiration if I do manage to get the shot. I hope everyone keeps sharing.
March 7th, 2013
Well - magicians have to learn from someone, no? I don't think it spoils the magic - most here are happy to answer questions as to how they achieved a certain image - I think refusing to do so could be perceived as a tad elitist...
March 7th, 2013
I love seeing or reading how you guys have set up your shots or what gear you've used or how you've processed your photos.

365 to me, is a journey and it is a journey shared :)
March 7th, 2013
@iii @chrysler8080 @dh @onie @northy @kazlamont

Firstly, I'm glad to hear I was right in my argument last night :P

Everyone can learn something from other people! I certainly don't considering myself an expert by any stretch and it's great to see what other people do. Especially when it's just not what you would expect at all.

Does anyone know if there is a tag for shots like this? I've searched for a few different ones this morning but was pretty unsuccessful.

Agreed with Tracy @tracywilliams sharing is almost certainly caring.
March 7th, 2013
@amyamoeba If the bar is so high, how are short people supposed to order drinks?

Anyway, I say post away!
March 7th, 2013
One of the reasons I joined this project was to learn from people with more experience than me. I have found that looking at other people's shots has given me both inspiration and understanding. Behind the scenes shots are invaluable in my learning curve and have made me realise that you can take good shots without having to buy expensive fancy equipment. Please keep posting. You are leading and teaching at the same time. Well done Amy.
March 7th, 2013
Keep them coming :-) I think they're fabulous and invaluable. 365 is a great place to learn new techniques and to improve our skills and a huge part of that is people sharing their experiences and their trials and errors. And I kind of think those shots add to the magic not take away from it.
March 7th, 2013
I think its great when people share their techniques and I have found on 365 that most people are willing to do that. It is so helpful and can often lead to a "lightbulb" moment. It is wonderful if you can be inspired by someone elses work and then have a go yourself. Its a steep learning curve we are all on - but what fun it is!!
March 7th, 2013
in a competitive environment, I'd agree with your husband. but 365 is the antithesis to a competitive environment, so I'm with you -- and everyone else -- on this one!
March 7th, 2013
@Cheesebiscuit your comment made my day!
March 7th, 2013
@ridley Glad to be of service, ma'am! (I'm afraid you'll have to imagine me bowing, because I'm actually sitting down.)
March 7th, 2013
Love seeing behind the scenes. And @ridley very much agree with you about the beauty of this site being the way it operates in a (mostly!) uncompetative spirit
March 7th, 2013
I love the behind the scenes shots and find them very useful. I find lighting a real problem so if I can see what others have done it really helps me to get somewhere close to recreating the shot. You often find tutorials online but they usually require you to have lots of kit which a lot of us don't have. To see someone manage it with a cupboard light makes me realise that it is possible. :)

Maybe Ross could do some blogs on how to set up lighting for different types of shots.
March 7th, 2013
I think it's really interesting to see how things are set up - as everyone else has said, one of the reasons most of us are on here is to learn and one of the great things about the site is how generous people are with knowledge. In some ways the magic is that a combination of things that often seem mundane can be seen to create something fabulous!
March 7th, 2013
I mix it up. Some shots I do BECAUSE I want to show behind-the-scenes. Some I show just for gee-whiz, and some I prefer to "protect the secret" if there is one (but these are few).

March 7th, 2013
I love behind-the-scenes explanations! It doesn't necessarily mean I will go out and try it right away, but it IS inspiring, if not to give an idea, then to see the dedication/work that sometimes goes into a shot. Good photography takes hard work, and sometimes it's a good reminder of that when we see what went in to creating a photograph. (And, of course, there are sometimes those shots that you really want to leave everyone thinking, "How in the world did she do that?")
March 7th, 2013
Share... That's the whole point of being on 365 :)
March 7th, 2013
Share, absolutely! It doesn't destroy any magic I find, and people really want to know and learn new techniques. Why are you here if not to share? As @sugarmuser Sharon said above.
March 8th, 2013
I share whenever time and/or planning permits.

Sometimes I go out with the intention to show how and why I take the photo I take.
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